Symbology is an
international language that has been used for centuries and there are
literally thousands of different symbols that we need to use on a daily
basis but unfortunately they all do not appear as standard on our
keyboard! The term 'a picture speaks a thousand words' is an ideal way
to describe a symbol. A simple picture or image can convey a message
often too complicated to be explained in several sentences and the need
to incorporate different symbols in our written work whether it be a
document, email, tweet or status update means that it is vital we know
how to access these hidden and special characters on our computer
keyboard! It would be impossible and confusing for every keyboard to
display every symbol that it can produce, that is where ALT codes are
Keyboard Symbols - Infinity Symbol
Infinity is
defined as time without end, eternal and forever. The infinity symbol
∞ can be produced easily but you need to know what alt code it is and
how to insert it into your document. Find out the meaning and history of
the infinity symbol and where it is used as well as how to incorporate
it into your own documents.
Keyboard Symbols -
Trademark Symbol
The trademark symbol is used
to identify companies and brands and are extremely important in everyday
life. A trademark allows a company to identify something as its own and
forbids others to use it for commercial purposes without the proper
licence. There are two commonly used symbols to indicate trademark, find
out what they are and how to insert them into your document.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
The computer keyboard
can produce a huge amount of additional symbols and characters and isn't
limited to the characters displayed on the actual keys. Read our page on
windows shortcuts for a great selection of useful tips to make you even
more productive!
Spanish Computer Symbols
There are several characters and symbols that are unique to Spanish
and they can be quite difficult to locate on a standard non Spanish
The upside down or inverted question mark (Ώ) and exclamation
marks (‘) are both used in Spanish sentences but do not appear anywhere
on a standard US or UK keyboard. Find out how to add these characters to
your documents without amending any of your settings! Also provided is a
useful table including the most popular codes.
Keyboard Symbols - Alt
Keys for Windows
Alt keys are a
great way to add special and foreign characters and letters to your
documents. The Alt key appears on the keyboards of
windows computers and simply means 'alternate'. On a Mac, the key is
called 'option'. Simply follow the instructions for
adding special characters to windows, we have even included a useful
table showing the most popular windows ALT codes.
Keyboard Symbols
- Pound Symbol
How do you add a pound
symbol on a nun UK keyboard? Where is it? On a standard UK keyboard,
the pound sign (£) can be found above the number 3 key and is inserted into
a document by holding down the shift key and pressing the number 3 but
how do you add it to a document that is being typed in the US? Simply
check out the useful tips and instructions on the keyboard symbols,
pound page for a simple solution!
Special Keyboard Symbols
& Characters
What are special keyboard symbols and characters? How do you add
them to a document? Want to create a picture out of text characters? We
have included lots of examples, simply copy and paste them into your
documents or use them as a unique status update to impress your friends
and family! Check out the examples below!
Be my Valentine
╚══════.♥.═╝ |
(")__(") |
° ?° * ? ° ° ?
° ?
°Happy?* ? ° ° ? ° ?
??Christmas!? ?* °?
° ? ° ?°? *__?____*?*°
° ? ?° */______/~\?° ° ?
°? ? ° | ?? |?| ° |
Keyboard Symbols
- Copyright
The copyright symbol
© is a special and extremely
important character which can be easily inserted into your document and
is a vital component to include in you documents in order to protect you
rights. The definition of copyright is the
right of an author or his assignee, under statute, to print and publish
his literary or artistic work, exclusively of all other persons. This
right may be had in maps, charts, engravings, plays, and musical
compositions, as well as in books.
Image of QWERTY Keys
Keyboard Symbols
- Facts
Facts....Did you know...
Fact 1: American Inventor Christopher Latham Sholes
(18191890) invented the QWERTY keyboard |
Fact 2: The Querty keyboard is the most widely used
keyboard layout used throughout the world |
Fact 3: The name querty is derived from the first
six keys (left to right) on the top row of the keyboard
Q W E R T Y |
Fact 4: The QUERTY keyboard was designed to speed up
typists and avoid paper jams on typewriters |
Fact 5: The layout of the qwerty keyboard encourage
the use of both hands equally |
Fact 6: The term keyboard is also used to describe
an electronic keyboard similar to a piano |
Fact 7: The keys on the top row of a computer
keyboard are known as function keys |
Fact 8: The QWERTY keyboard is sometimes called the
Sholes keyboard after its inventor |
Fact 9: The first author credited with using a
typewriter to write their book was Mark Twains Life on
the Mississippi which was published in 1883 |
Fact 10: The first kindle e reading device was
released by Amazon on on November 19, 2007, It sold out
in five and a half hours! |
Fact 11: The longest word that can be typed using
just the top line of the keyboard is 'rupturewort' (it
is a plant also known as Herniaria glabra) |
Fact 12: The Alt key appears on the keyboards of
windows PC's and means alternate. On a Mac, the key is
called Option |
Fact 13: The @ sign is known as the AT sign (stands
for Advanced Technology) |
Fact 14: On a standard US keyboard, the at sign is
found above the number 2 but its position varies in
different countries |
Fact 15: On 12th February 2009, author Stephen King
released his book 'UR' exclusively on kindle |
Keyboard Symbols
- Tattoos
symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo
design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of
keyboard symbols into your own design? Perhaps you want to include
the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the
fascinating world of social media! Keyboard symbols make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the
meaning of each keyboard Symbol.
Keyboard Symbols