Short Cuts for Windows

Short Cuts for Windows

Short Cuts for Windows Short Cuts for Windows..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Accent Marks...Short Cuts for Windows

A comprehensive guide to Short Cuts for Windows.

Discover facts and information about different short cuts for windows.

Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!

Short Cuts for Windows - Definition
Short cuts for windows are essential! We are spending more time in front of the computer and short cuts are a great way to get things done quickly. In the world of mobile phones and social networking, texting abbreviations are vital and commonplace, so too are the shortcuts we use on our keyboards.

Short Cuts for Windows - Key
The windows key as shown in the image below can be used on its own to quickly display the start menu or with a combination of other keys for a number of short cuts including:

  • Windows key & E - Opens windows explorer

  • Windows key & F - Opens the search dialog to enable you to find files or folders on your computer

  • Windows key & D - Minimises all open windows and displays the desktop

  • Windows key & R - Displays the run dialog box

  • Windows key & F1 - Opens windows help

  • Windows key & TAB - Displays all the buttons on the taskbar and allows you to cycle between them

  • Windows key & pause - Displays the system properties

Windows Shortcut Key

Windows Shortcut Key

Short Cuts for Windows

Most full sized keyboards also have the keys shown below, their use is as follows:

  • Insert - Turns insert on or off

  • Home - Moves to the beginning of the line

  • Delete - Deletes text from the right of the current position in the document (as opposed to backspace which deletes to the left of the current position)

  • End - Moves to the end of the line

  • Page Up - Moves up the document one screen at a time

  • Page Down -  Moves down the document one screen at a time

Short Cuts for Windows | Special Keys

Short Cuts for Windows - Keys

Short Cuts for Windows - Facts
Short Cuts for Windows Facts....Did you know...

Short Cuts for Windows

Short Cuts for Windows Fact 1: The hash sign # is know by a number of different names including octothorpe, hash-mark, number, number key and number sign

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 2: The / or forward slash is diagonal mark which is also referred to as a solidus, virgule or whack

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 3: The combination (Windows key & D) is a very useful key to press if you want to quickly minimise all your open windows and display the desktop

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 4: Pressing CTRL & ALT & DEL together allows you to log off, change password, switch user, start task manager or lock the computer

Short Cuts for Windows

Short Cuts for Windows Fact 5: The F5 key is useful for quickly refreshing/reloading the screen

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 6: The > sign is commonly referred to as greater than but is also referred to as angle brackets

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 7: The F8 key displays the accessibility dialog

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 8: On a standard American qwerty keyboard the # symbol can be found above the number 3

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 9: If you hold down the SHIFT key when inserting a cd into your drive, it stops the autoplay functionality

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 10: Pressing the SHIFT key five times allows you to quickly turn on sticky keys

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 11: The DELETE and BACKSPACE button both delete text within a document, however backspaces deletes text to the left of the current location while the delete key deletes text to the right of the current location in the document

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 12: CTRL & S opens the save dialog box

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 13: Want to confuse your friends or looking for a simple practical joke? Try entering the following key combination to turn the screen upside down! CTRL & ALT & Down arrow (ensure num lock is switched off and to return to normal enter CTRL & ALT & Up arrow)

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 14: CTRL & ALT & TAB keys pressed together will display your open windows

Short Cuts for Windows

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Short Cuts for Windows Fact 15: If you press the CTRL and Enter keys together when typing a website address in your browser, it will automatically add the .com extension

Short Cuts for Windows - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of Windows short cut keys into your own fun design? Perhaps you want to include the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of social media! Short Cuts for Windows make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each keyboard Symbol.

Short Cuts for Windows
 | at sign

  Short Cuts for Windows

Short Cuts for Windows

  • Cool Short Cuts for Windows

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of different Short Cuts for Windows

  • Pictures of Short Cuts for Windows

  • Using Short Cuts for Windows in Tattoo Designs

Short Cuts for Windows
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Pictures and Videos of Short Cuts for Windows
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Short Cuts for Windows and illustrate the many different Short Cuts for Windows we use on a daily basis! What is the windows key used for? How do you enter the euro sign? Where is the at sign on my keyboard? Find the answer to these questions about windows short cuts and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their document fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on windows short cuts for everyone!


Short Cuts for Windows - Shortcut - Typing- Accent - Trademark - Copyright - Alt Codes - Windows - Pound - Spanish - Key -  Letters - Computer - Keyboard - Combination - Numeric - Keypad - Shortcuts - Cool - Heart - All - List - Name - Names -  Short Cuts for Windows  - Signs - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoo - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Code - Images - Facts - Symbols - Short Cuts

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