Peace Symbols - Meaning
and Definition
Peace can be defined as a
state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation;
calm; repose. There are many symbols used to represent peace, the oldest
of these being the olive branch and the dove. Early Christians used
images of Doves carrying olive branches in their beaks to symbolise
Chinese Peace Symbols
The Chinese
symbol for peace is shown in the image on the right and
is made up of two letters from the Chinese alphabet. |
Peace Symbols
The most widely used symbol
of world peace is the Dove. It is mentioned in the bible returning to
Noah's ark carrying an olive branch in its beak symbolising peace
between god and mankind. Other symbols of world peace include the CND
symbol and the olive branch. The ancient Greeks believed that the Olive
tree had the ability to drive away evil spirits and so adopted it as a
symbol of peace.
Peace Symbols on the
To enter the universal peace
sign on the computer, simply copy the following symbol ☮ or use
the HTML code for the ☮ sign is ☮ To enter the victory
hand symbol ✌use the HTML code ✌
Buddhist Peace Symbol
Buddhism was
founded over 2.500 years ago by Siddhartha Gautama. It is a belief which
is centered around compassion,
non-violence and charity and its ultimate goal is enlightenment.
Important religious symbols in the Buddhist faith include the Wheel of Law,
Prayer Wheel and the 'Sanga' or monastic order. There are many
symbols of peace which are important to followers of the Buddhist faith,
they include the Wheel of Law, Prayer Wheel and Buddha's footprint which
is comprised of many individual peace symbols.
Peace Symbol - Doves
A pair of white doves is a
symbol of love, innocence and fidelity. Often a pair of doves are
released by a newly married couple as a sign of their commitment, love
and fidelity to each other. In Christianity, the dove is a symbol of the
holy spirit (holy ghost), and represents the soul. The Dove is also
symbolic of love and in Japan, a dove carrying a sword is symbolic of
the end of war.
Peace Symbol - Hippies
Hippies were a youth
movement from the 1960's and their ethos included communal living and
harmony with nature. The ☮ peace symbol was
adopted by the Hippies as well as the victory hand symbol ✌.
☮ |
Fact 1: A pair of White Doves are symbolic of peace |
☮ |
Fact 2: In Buddhism, Nirvana is the peaceful state
reached when Buddha became enlightened. It is the
perfect balance of knowledge, peace and truth |
☮ |
Fact 3: The colour white symbolizes peace |
☮ |
Fact 4:
White Flags are symbols of peace and honesty |
☮ |
Fact 5: The phrase "to hold one's peace" is used to
describe a person who is silent or who has refrained
from speaking |
☮ |
Fact 6: The phrase "To make one's peace with" is
used to describe a person who has reconciled with
another |
☮ |
Fact 7: The term "peace offering" is used to
describe a gift or service offered as satisfaction to an
offended person |
☮ |
Fact 8: Pablo Picasso created his famous Dove
picture in 1949, it was widely used in the post war
period to symbolise peace |
☮ |
Fact 9: The antonym for peace is war |
☮ |
Fact 10: The CND peace sign was designed using the
semaphore signals for letters D and N |
☮ |
Fact 11: The V sign for victory was first used by
Winston Churchill who was the UK prime minister during
the second world war |
☮ |
Fact 12: Pablo Picasso named his daughter born in
April 1949, Paloma which is the Spanish word for peace |
☮ |
Fact 13: Placing your hands in the praying position
is a symbol of peace in many cultures, in Indian for
example the gesture is known as 'namaste' |
☮ |
Fact 14: Handshakes are a peace symbol! Shaking
hands to settle a disagreement or make a promise is
legally binding in some cultures |
☮ |
Fact 15: In Japan, eternal flames burn at many
temples together with senbazuru or paper (origami)
cranes so worshippers and visitors can pray for world
peace |
☮ |
Fact 16:
was the Greek goddess of peace |
Peace Symbol - Dream
Dreaming of peace
and tranquillity indicates an end or a resolution to an
emotional issue or inner conflict. It may signal and end of a
cycle and the pause before the beginning of a new endeavour. It
also suggest that you have reached a new level of stability and
calmness. Alternatively, the maddening quietness may refer to
the calm before the storm.
Peace Symbols