Special Keyboard Symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols Special Keyboard Symbols ..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Accent Marks...Special Keyboard Symbols

A comprehensive guide to Special Keyboard Symbols.

Discover facts and information about Special Keyboard Symbols.

Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!

Special Keyboard Symbols
Be creative and make your own images from keyboard characters, the possibilities are endless, check out the examples below for some inspiration! Commonly referred to as ASCII art, the ability of creating a picture from simple keyboard letters and characters is amazing!

Examples of ASCII Art

Be my Valentine


• ° •?•° * ? • ° ° ? ° ? •
• °Happy?* ? • ° ° ? ° ? •
•??Christmas!? ?* • °?
° ? ° ?°? *__?____*?*°
° ? •?•° */______/~\?° ° ?
°? •?• ° | ?? |?| °


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     .-_| , | , | , | , | , |  _-.    
     |:  -|:._|___|___|__.|:=-  :|    
     ||*:  :    .     .    :  |*||    
     || |  | *  |  *  |  * |  | ||    
 _.-=|:*|  |    |     |    |  |*:|=-._
-    `._:  | *  |  *  |  * |  :_.'    -
 =_      -=:.___:_____|___.: =-     _=
    - . _ __ ___  ___  ___ __ _ . -   


Special Keyboard Symbols - Typewriter Art

Typewriter art was an early form of ASCII art. The image of a butterfly on the left was created on a typewriter by Flora Stacey. It is the earliest preserved example of typewriter art and was published in Pitman's Phonetic Journal on the 15th October 1898. The image was created entirely on a typewriter using brackets, hyphens and a single asterisk! Unlike ASCII art which can be modified and amended at any stage, just a single mistake and the typewriter image would be ruined. Typewriter art was particularly popular in the 1950's and 1960's but was replaced with ASCII art which became popular in the 1970's.

Image is an example of ASCII Art from The Pitman Papers - Published in October 1898


Special Keyboard Symbols - Facts
Special Keyboard Symbols Facts....Did you know...

Special Keyboard Symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 1: ASCII art is the term commonly given to pictures created using keyboard letters and symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 2: ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange and was created in the early 1960s. It became a United States government standard in 1968

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 3: The copyright symbol can be added to your documents using the ALT code 0169

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 4: Want to confuse your friends or looking for a simple practical joke? Try entering the following key combination to turn the screen upside down! CTRL & ALT & Down arrow (make sure that num lock is switched off and to return to normal enter CTRL & ALT & Up arrow)

Special Keyboard Symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 5: The keyboard symbol for registered trademark is ALT 0174 ®

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 6: The hash sign # is know by a number of different names including octothorpe, hash-mark, number, number key and number sign

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 7: The trademark symbol ™ can be added to documents using the ALT code 0153

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 8: A sun symbol ☼ often used in social networking and personal status updates can be easily added by entering ALT and the number fifteen (using the number keypad) ☼

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 9: The keys on the top row of a computer keyboard are known as function keys

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 10: On laptops and keyboards without a separate numeric keypad, the Fn key works the same way as the ALT key

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 11: The Querty keyboard is the most widely used keyboard layout used throughout the world

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 12: A smiley face ☺ often used in social networking and personal status updates can be easily added by entering ALT and the number one (using the number keypad)  ☺

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 13: Typewriter art was popular in the 1950's and 1960's, an early form of ASCII art!

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 14: A heart ♥ often used in social networking and personal status updates can be easily added by entering ALT and the number three (using the number keypad) ♥

Special Keyboard Symbols

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Special Keyboard Symbols Fact 15: If you cannot locate the @ sign on your keyboard, use the key combination, ALT & 64 (typing the numbers from the numeric keypad) @

Special Keyboard Symbols - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of special keyboard symbols into your own design? Perhaps you want to include the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of social media! Special keyboard symbols make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each keyboard Symbol.

Special Keyboard Symbols
 | at sign

  Special Keyboard Symbols

Special Keyboard Symbols

  • Cool Special Keyboard Symbols

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of different Special Keyboard Symbols

  • Pictures of Special Keyboard Symbols

  • Using Special Keyboard Symbols in Tattoo Designs

Special Keyboard Symbols
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Pictures and Videos of Special Keyboard Symbols
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Special Keyboard Symbols and illustrate the many different special keyboard symbols we use and see on a daily basis! What is the infinity symbol and how do you incorporate it in your document? How do you enter the euro sign? Where is the at sign on my keyboard? Find the answer to these questions about Special Keyboard Symbols and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their document fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on Special Keyboard Symbols for everyone!


Special Keyboard Symbols - Shortcut - Typing- Accent - Trademark - Copyright - Alt Codes - Windows - Pound - Spanish - Key -  Letters - Computer - Keyboard - Combination - Numeric - Keypad - Shortcuts - Cool - Heart - All - List - Name - Names -  Special Keyboard Symbols  - Signs - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoo - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Code - Images - Facts - Symbols

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