Alt Keys for Windows

Alt Keys for Windows

Alt Keys for Windows
Alt Keys for Windows..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Accent Marks...Alt Keys for Windows

A comprehensive guide to Alt Keys for Windows .

Discover facts and information about the different Alt Keys for Windows .

Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!


Alt Keys for Windows - Definition
The Alt key appears on the keyboards of windows computers and simply means 'alternate'. On a Mac, the key is called 'option'. Many foreign and special characters can be easily added to your document with the correct use of ALT codes. No changes are required to the computer or tablet and no settings need to be changed! Simply follow the instructions below for adding special characters to windows, we have even included a useful table showing the most popular windows ALT codes.

How to Add Alt Keys for Windows
Follow these simple instructions for adding ALT codes to windows computers:

  1. Ensure that the the Num Lock key has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard

  2. Press the Alt key

  3. While the Alt key is held down, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) using the ALT code from the table below

  4. Once you release the Alt key, the character will appear

  5. On a laptop computer, there usually is no numeric keypad

  6. To add ALT characters to documents using a laptop, press the Fn (function) key, then the Alt key, then the numerical code sequence

Image of Numeric Keypad

Image of Numeric Keypad

List of
Alt Keys for Windows
The following table list all the ALT keys for windows computers:

Character ALT Code Character ALT Code


ALT Code


V 86 ½ 171


W 87 ¼ 172
3 X 88 ¡ 173
4 Y 89 « 174
5 Z 90 » 175
6 [ 91 176
7 \ 92 177
8 ] 93 178
9 ^ 94 179
10 _ 95 180
11 ` 96 Á 181
12 a 97 Â 182
13 b 98 À 183
14 c 99 © 184
15 d 100 185
16 e 101 186
17 f 102 187
18 g 103 188
19 h 104 ¢ 189
20 i 105 ¥ 190
§ 21 j 106 191
22 k 107 192
23 l 108 193
24 m 109 194
25 n 110 195
26 o 111 196
27 p 112 197
28 q 113 ã 198
29 r 114 Ã 199
30 s 115 200
31 t 116 201
Space 32 u 117 202
! 33 v 118 203
" 34 w 119 204
# 35 x 120 205
$ 36 y 121 206
% 37 z 122 ¤ 207
& 38 { 123 ð 208
' 39 | 124 Ð 209
( 40 } 125 Ê 210
) 41 ~ 126 Ë 211
* 42 127 È 212
+ 43 Ç 128 ı 213
, 44 ü 129 Í 214
- 45 é 130 Î 215
. 46 â 131 Ï 216
/ 47 ä 132 217
0 48 à 133 218
1 49 å 134 219
2 50 ç 135 220
3 51 ê 136 ¦ 221
4 52 ë 137 Ì 222
5 53 è 138 223
6 54 ï 139 Ó 224
7 55 î 140 ß 225
8 56 ì 141 Ô 226
9 57 Ä 142 Ò 227
: 58 Å 143 õ 228
; 59 É 144 Õ 229
< 60 æ 145 µ 230
= 61 Æ 146 þ 231
> 62 ô 147 Þ 232
? 63 ö 148 Ú 233
@ 64 ò 149 Û 234
A 65 û 150 Ù 235
B 66 ù 151 ý 236
C 67 ÿ 152 Ý 237
D 68 Ö 153 ¯ 238
E 69 Ü 154 ´ 239
F 70 ø 155 ­ 240
G 71 £ 156 ± 241
H 72 Ø 157 242
I 73 × 158 ¾ 243
J 74 ƒ 159 244
K 75 á 160 § 245
L 76 í 161 ÷ 246
M 77 ó 162 ¸ 247
N 78 ú 163 ° 248
O 79 ñ 164 ¨ 249
P 80 Ñ 165 · 250
Q 81 ª 166 ¹ 251
R 82 º 167 ³ 252
S 83 ¿ 168 ² 253
T 84 ® 169 254
U 85 ¬ 170    


Windows Keyboard Symbol

Windows Keyboard Symbol

Alt Keys for Windows - Facts
Alt Keys for Windows Facts....Did you know...

Alt Keys for Windows

Windows Keys Fact 1: Although there are many other popular input devices for computers, the keyboard is still the most popular!

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 2: ALT keys are used to add special characters and symbols that do not appear on a standard keyboard

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 3: The ALT key is also known as the modifier key as it changes the function of the keys that have been pressed

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 4: It is placed on either side of the space bar

Alt Keys for Windows

Windows Keys Fact 5: On a Mac keyboard, the key is labelled as 'option' instead of Alt

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 6: Pressing the ALT and TAB keys together is a shortcut used to switch between active windows

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 7: The ALT key is one of the three key sequence commonly referred to as CTRL+ALT+DELETE (Control, Alt, Delete) used for launching the task manager

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 8: On non US keyboards, the ALT key on the right of the space bar is labelled ALTGR. This is also a modifier key and used mainly to insert currency symbols

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 9: ALTGR is an abbreviation for Alternative Graphic

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 10: On a standard UK keyboard, the Euro currency symbol  (€) can be obtained by pressing the ALTGR key and the number 4

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 11: On laptops and keyboards without a separate numeric keypad, the Fn key works the same way as the ALT key

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 12: ALT keys don't work on Linux systems

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 13:  A smiley face often used in social networking and personal status updates can be easily added by entering ALT and the number one ☺

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 14: The AT or @ sign can be added by entering ALT + 64

Alt Keys for Windows

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Windows Keys Fact 15: The hash (#) sign commonly used in social networking can be obtained by entering ALT + 35

Alt Keys for Windows - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of Alt Keys for Windows into your own design? Perhaps you want to include the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of social media! Alt Keys for Windows make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each keyboard Symbol.

Alt Keys for Windows

 | at sign

  Alt Keys for Windows

Alt Keys for Windows

  • Cool Alt Keys for Windows

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of different Alt Keys for Windows

  • Pictures of Alt Keys for Windows

  • Using Alt Keys for Windows in Tattoo Designs

Alt Keys for Windows | Image


Pictures and Videos of Alt Keys for Windows
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Alt Keys for Windows and illustrate the many different Alt Keys for Windows we use and see on a daily basis! What is the infinity symbol and how do you incorporate it in your document? How do you enter the euro sign? Where is the at sign on my keyboard? Find the answer to these questions about Alt Keys for Windows and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their document fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on Alt Keys for Windows for everyone!


Alt Keys for Windows - Shortcut - Typing- Accent - Trademark - Copyright - Alt Codes - Windows - Pound - Spanish - Key -  Letters - Computer - Keyboard - Combination - Numeric - Keypad - Shortcuts - Cool - Heart - All - List - Name - Names -  Alt Keys for Windows   - Signs - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoo - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Code - Images - Facts - Symbols

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