Trademark symbol on Keyboard - Definition
A trademark is defined as
either a word, name, symbol used by a manufacturer to distinguish his
goods from those sold by others. The Trademark symbol is used to identify
companies and brands and is an extremely important symbol we are all
familiar with in everyday life. A
trademark allows a company to identify something as its own and forbids
others to use it for commercial purposes without the proper licence.
Disney for example is a trademark but the company allows other companies
to produce goods depicting its characters providing they pay the
appropriate licencing fees to Disney. The two most common symbols used
to identify trademarks are ™ (trademark symbol) and ® (registered
trademark symbol).
Companies are required to register trademarks with their appropriate
countries patent office. Companies in America for example are required
to apply for a trademark in the US whereas companies in the UK have to
register with the British trademark office. It is vital that inventions
are registered and the appropriate application process is completed.
There are specialized patent lawyers and attorneys who can office
specific advice so it is wise to consult them as early as possible to
protect your invention.
Trademark symbol on Keyboard -
™ & ®
The legal
definition of a trademark is a word, name, symbol, or devise used by a
manufacturer to distinguish his goods from those sold by others. To find the trademark symbol
™ on your keyboard you need to enter the
ALT code 0153. The code for the registered trademark symbol is ALT 0174
®. To enter the ALT code, simply press the Num Lock key on your keyboard
in order to
activate the numeric key section of the keyboard then hold down the ALT
key. While the Alt key is held down, type the number sequence 0153 and
release the Alt key, the trademark character will then appear ™.
Trademark symbol on Keyboard
- Facts
Trademark symbol
Facts....Did you know...
Fact 1: The HTML code for the
trademark symbol is ™ |
Fact 2: The ALT code for the
trademark symbol is ALT
0153 |
Fact 3: Companies need to register trademarks with
the appropriate patent office |
Fact 4: On a MAC, the trademark symbol can be
entered by pressing the 'option' key and the number 2 |
Fact 5:
The HTML for the registered trademark symbol is ® |
Fact 6:
The ™ symbol is used for unregistered trademarks |
Fact 7:
The ® symbol is used for registered trademarks |
Fact 8: The ALT code for the
registered trademark symbol is ALT
0174 |
Fact 9:
The abbreviation RTM is also used for registered
trademark |
Fact 10:
The ™ symbol has no legal significance in the UK |
Fact 11:
The Madrid protocol is an agreement signed by many
countries to protect trademarks |
Fact 12:
A 'CTM' or community trademark offers protection for
trademarks within the European Union |
Fact 13:
Registering a trademark in one country does not offer
protection in other countries |
Fact 14:
Once registered, a business can refer to a trademark as
its brand |
Fact 15:
Trademarks are an essential marketing tool for
businesses and make brands instantly recognisable |
Keyboard trademark symbol
- Tattoos
symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo
design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate the trademark symbol into your own design? Perhaps you want to include
the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the
fascinating world of social media! The trademark or registered
trademark symbol on the
is a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the
meaning of each keyboard Symbol.
® ™
Keyboard trademark symbol
® ™