Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts ..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Accent Marks...Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

A comprehensive guide to Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts.

Discover facts and information about Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts.

Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts - Definition
Keyboard shortcuts are defined as being a combination of keystrokes that enable the user to achieve an action that would only be possible by accessing a menu via a pointing device such as a mouse.

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts - Examples
Keyboard shortcuts are important if you spend most of your day in front of your computer! They are a great way to get things done quickly. In the world of mobile phones and social networking, texting abbreviations are vital and commonplace, so too are the symbols and shortcuts we use on our keyboards. The table below lists some of the most helpful shortcuts on your keyboard, hope you find them useful!

Windows Key Function
CTRL & A Select all
CTRL & C Copies the entire selection into the clipboard
CTRL & X Cuts the currently selected text
CTRL & V Pastes the contents of the clipboard
CTRL & Z Undo
CTRL & W Closes the current window
CTRL & H Within Internet explorer this combination open the history dialog
CTRL & I Opens the favorites menu in Internet explorer
CTRL & P Opens the print dialog box
CTRL & R Reloads the current web page

ALT & 1

ALT & 2

ALT & 3
ALT & 4
ALT & 5
ALT & 6
ALT & 64 @
ALT & 11
ALT & 12
ALT & 13
ALT & 14
ALT & 15


Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts - Facts
Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Facts....Did you know...

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 1: The ALT key is also known as the modifier key as it changes the function of the keys that have been pressed

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 2: Pressing the CTRL and Enter keys together when typing a website address in your browser, will automatically add the .com extension to your address

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 3: The hash sign # is know by a number of different names including octothorpe, hash-mark, number, number key and number sign

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 4: The Querty keyboard is the most widely used keyboard layout used throughout the world

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 5: When entering the same text multiple times into a document or web form, the CTRL & C (copy) and CTRL & V (paste) are great time savers, particularly when you have a long email address to enter multiple times!

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 6: Using ALT codes is a great way of easily adding foreign and special characters to your document

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 7: Want to confuse your friends or looking for a simple practical joke? Try entering the following key combination to turn the screen on its side! CTRL & ALT & Side arrow (ensure num lock is switched off and to return to normal enter CTRL & ALT & Up arrow)

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 8: On keyboards without separate numeric keypads, the Fn key works in the same way as the ALT key

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 9: If you cannot locate the @ sign on your keyboard, use the key combination, ALT & 64 (typing the numbers from the numeric keypad) @

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 10: ALT keys are used to add special characters and symbols that do not appear on standard keyboards

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 11: A heart ♥ often used in social networking and personal status updates can be easily added by entering ALT and the number three (using the number keypad) ♥

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 12: To enter the © copyright symbol, use the key combination  ALT & 0169 ©

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 13: In Internet Explorer, the combination CTRL & H opens the history dialog

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 14: The infinity sign is represented by two intertwining circles (∞)

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

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Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts Fact 15: The shortcut CTRL & P prints the current page

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts into your own design? Perhaps you want to include the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of social media! Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each keyboard Symbol.

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts
 | at sign

  Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

  • Cool Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of different Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

  • Pictures of Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts

  • Using Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts in Tattoo Designs

Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts
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Pictures and Videos of Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts and illustrate the many different keyboard symbol shortcuts we use and see on a daily basis! What is the infinity symbol and how do you incorporate it in your document? How do you enter the euro sign? Where is the at sign on my keyboard? Find the answer to these questions about Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their document fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts for everyone!


Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts - Shortcut - Typing- Accent - Trademark - Copyright - Alt Codes - Windows - Pound - Spanish - Key -  Letters - Computer - Keyboard - Combination - Numeric - Keypad - Shortcuts - Cool - Heart - All - List - Name - Names -  Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts  - Signs - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoo - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Code - Images - Facts - Symbols

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