Flag Symbol - Meaning
The study of flags is called Vexillology and comes from the Latin
word vexillum ("flag") and the Greek suffix -logy ("study").
The word "flag" is derived from the old Saxon word "fflaken" which means
to fly or to float in the air. The idea of flying flags grew from the
requirements of ancient warfare and the battlefield. Shields were
painted with emblems or symbols to identify friend or ememy. Warriors
needed to know where their leaders were hence the custom of carrying a
pole was adopted and subsequently the idea of flags began!
Flag Symbol - Color Symbolism
According to
Ancient and Heraldic traditions there is a vast amount of symbolism
associated with the color of a nations flag. The full development of
heraldry in about 1200AD also brought sophisticated design of flags,
some of which includes a Coat of Arms. The colors on different flag
symbols represent the following:
Yellow Flags - A symbol of generosity
White Flags - A symbol of peace and honesty
Red Flags - A symbol of hardiness, bravery, strength & valour
Blue Flags - A symbol of vigilance, truth and loyalty,
perseverance & justice
Green Flags - A symbol of hope, joy and love and in many cultures
have a sacred significance
Black Flags - A symbol of determination, often reflecting the
ethnic heritage of the people
Flag Symbol - U.S. Flag
What are the
individual U.S. flag colors? What is the symbolism of each of the colors?
Read a selection of educational facts about the U.S. and its flag.
Description, definition, facts and pictures, all you ned to know about
the U.S. flag colors. Useful information about the U.S and much more!
Flag Symbol - New Jersey
What do the New
Jersey flags look like? Where is New Jersey? What does the coat of arms
on its flag symbolise? Discover the answers to these questions and many
more on the page dedicated to New Jersey Flags. A selection of
interesting information and facts on the symbolism of New Jersey
Flag Symbol - Union Jack
What do
Union Jack flags look like? What does each element of the flag symbolise?
How should union jack flags be displayed, what is the correct
protocol? Find out all you need to know about displaying Union jack
flags including educational facts, a great resource for anyone with an
interest in Vexillology.
Flag Symbol - Confederate
Why are
Confederate flags the subject of so much controversy? What is its
history? What do confederate flags look like? Find out the answers
to these questions and more, all you need to know about confederate
Flag Symbol - Union Flags
What are the
union flags? How many are there? What is the significance and history of
each individual flag? Find out the answers! A useful resource for
budding vexillologists everywhere!
Flag Symbol - Indian Flags
What is the
significance of Indian flags? What do each of the colors represent?
Find out all you need to know about the Indian flag. Facts and
information on the Indian flag as well as interesting information about
Flag Symbol - Texas Flags
What is the color
symbolism of Texas flags? What is the history of the flags of Texas? Find
out all you need to know about Texas Flags. Useful facts, history
timeline and information about Texas flags. a useful, free resource
for everyone!
Flag Symbol - Mexican
Flag Symbol
What are the
individual colors of the Mexican flag? What is the symbolism of each of
color? Read a selection of educational facts about Mexican flags. Descriptions and definitions of the symbol. We have even
included facts and pictures of the flags, all you need to know about
Mexican Flags. Useful information and much more!
Flag Symbol - Australian
What is the
significance of each star symbol on the Australian flag? What is the correct
way to display the flags of Australia and how should their flags be used in times of
mourning? Do the flags fly at half-mast or should they be removed
completely? Find out the answers to these questions and many more. Lots
of useful, educational information about Australian flags.
Flag Symbol - Aboriginal
Is the Aboriginal
a national flag? What is the history of the aboriginal flag and what do
each of the colors on the flag represent? Useful information and fun
facts about this amazing flag.
Flag Symbol - Czech Flags
What is the
significance of dreaming about Czech flags? What is the correct
protocol for displaying Czech flags? Discover a selection of useful
facts about the Czech flag and its history. Find out a selection of
facts about the Czech Republic and its flags.
Flag Symbol - Religious
The flags of some
countries are also used as a religious symbol.
The flags of
Greece incorporate the cross symbol of the Greek Orthodox
The Union Jack
flags of the United Kingdom combine the symbol for three
individual saints: St George to represent England, St
Patrick to symbolize Ireland and St Andrew represents
The flags of the
Republic of Ireland incorporate a band of green which is a
symbol to represent the catholic population of the country,
a band of orange, a symbol of the protestant population with
a band of white in the centre as a symbol of peace
The blue circle
in the centre of the Indian flag symbolises Ashoka Chakra
and represents the Buddist faith
The flag of
Cambodia features the Angkor Wat, the largest religious
monument in the world
Flag Symbol - Meaning
Many flags
contain emblems or crests, each one has its own very specific
meaning. For example, the
emblem on the Isle of Mann flags is a three-legged symbol called a "trinacria"
which appears in the centre of its flag. This Coat of Arms dates back to the
13th century. The three legged symbol is also known as the triskell,
or triskelion, which comes from the Greek "three-legged" and is one
of the oldest symbols known to mankind. It symbolizes triplicity in
According to Celtic mythology, the symbol is said to
represent the three dynamic elements: water, air,
and fire
- The
symbol of the triskell must be dextrogyrous (turning
to the right)
- A
senstrogyrous (turning to the left) triskell would
have a hostile meaning
- The
war dances of the ancient Celts started by turning
to the left to show hostility, and ended by turning
to the right, as a sign of victory
Flag Symbol