Infinity Symbol

Infinity Symbol

Infinity Keyboard Symbol Infinity Symbol..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Accent Marks...Infinity Symbol

A comprehensive guide to Infinity Symbol.

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Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!

Infinity Symbol - Definition
The English word infinity is derived from the Latin word 'infinitas' which translates to unboundedness or endless. Infinity is defined as something without a limit. It is a concept often used in the fields of mathematics and physics. The infinity symbol  ∞ was introduced by the English mathematician John Wallis and it is sometimes referred to as the 'lazy 8'.

Infinity Symbol -
The infinity symbol is mainly used in the fields of Mathematics and Physics to represent the concept of infinity. It is however also used in the field of book binding! Books marked with the infinity symbol are printed on acid free paper. The standards ISO 9706 and ANSI Z39.48-1992 allow manufactures of paper to include a circled infinity symbol if they have produced the paper in accordance with their standards without the use of acid. The removal of acid will minimise future preservation problems with book and other printed documents.

Infinity Symbol - Synonyms
The following are all synonyms of infinity: Absolute, Boundless, Countless, Dateless, Endless, Incalculable, Inexhaustible, Infinitive, Innumerable, Innumerous, Limitless, Multitudinous, Non-finite, Numberless, Sempiternal, Unbounded, Uncounted, Unlimited, Unnumberable, Unnumbered, Unnumerable

Infinity Symbol - Keyboard
The infinity symbol can be entered on a standard keyboard with the use of  the html code ∞ ( ∞ )

Windows Keyboard Symbol

Windows Keyboard Symbol

Infinity Symbol - Facts
Did you know...

Fact 1: The infinity sign is represented by two intertwining circles (∞)

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Fact 2: The infinity symbol is referred in algebraic geometry as a 'lemniscate'

Fact 3: In mathematics, the intertwining circles of the infinity symbol represents the concept of infinity

Fact 4: In HTML, the infinity character (∞) can be obtained by using the code ∞

Fact 5: The English mathematician John Wallis is credited with introducing the infinity symbol

Fact 6: In computing terms, infinity is defined as being larger than any natural number

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Fact 7: There are three different types of infinity: Mathematical, Physical, and Philosophical

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Fact 8: The infinity symbol is in the shape of a sideways figure eight

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Fact 9: The infinity symbol appears on the cross of St. Boniface, wrapped around the bars of a Latin cross

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Fact 10: The infinity symbol is sometimes referred to as the 'lazy 8'

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Fact 11: In bookbinding, the infinity symbol is used to identify book that are printed on acid free paper

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Fact 12: A circle is often defined as being infinite with no beginning or end

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Fact 13: Synonyms for infinity are boundless, immeasurable, illimitable, interminable, limitless, unlimited, endless and eternal

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Fact 14: God is commonly described as being 'The Infinite Being'

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Fact 15: The antonym of infinite is finite which is defined as being bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

Infinity Symbol - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate an infinity symbol into your own design? Perhaps you want to include the infinity symbol in your tattoo tagline? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating fields of maths or physics! The Infinity Symbol make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of the different keyboard symbols.

Infinity Symbol
 | at sign

  Infinity Symbol

Infinity Symbol

  • Cool Infinity Symbol

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of Symbols

  • Pictures of Infinity Symbol

  • Using symbols in Tattoo Designs

Infinity Symbol
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Pictures and Videos of Infinity Symbol
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to different symbols and illustrate the many different symbols that we use and see on a daily basis! What is the infinity symbol and how do you incorporate it in your document? How do you enter it in HTML? Find the answer to these questions and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their maths or physics paper fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on computer symbols for everyone!


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