List of Signs


Symbols List

Dictionary of Symbols

Dictionary of Signs..Planets - Flowers - Gemstones - Vikings - Coat of Arms - Heraldry - Animals - Birds - Colors - Religious - Christian - Muslim - Jewish - Buddhist - Hindu - A to Z List of Signs and their meaning...Dictionary of Signs

A useful list of symbols in alphabetical order. Facts and definitions in an easy to read A to Z format. An great way to learn about a huge variety of different symbols.

Did you know...that the study of symbols and signs is called symbology? or that signs and abbreviations are as old as the use of alphabets?

Just click on one of the links below to find out about a huge range of different symbols, hope you find the resource useful!

Dictionary of Signs - List of Terms
Symbols have the ability and power to affect our life in silence. We do not have to read or listen to understand the message that is portrayed by symbols. To see a countries flag outside an embassy building immediately tells us where we are. A red road sign indicates that we must be cautious as it is warning us of an imminent problem. A green traffic light tells us that it is safe to move on whether we are in London, New York or Sydney!

The following are just a selection of the thousands of symbols and signs used throughout the world. Depending on whether you religious or not, certain symbols will have a deep significance to you.

Dictionary of Signs beginning with A

Dictionary of Signs beginning with N
Dictionary of Signs beginning with B Dictionary of Signs beginning with O
Dictionary of Signs beginning with C Dictionary of Signs beginning with P
Dictionary of Signs beginning with D Dictionary of Signs beginning with Q
Dictionary of Signs beginning with E Dictionary of Signs beginning with R
Dictionary of Signs beginning with F Dictionary of Signs beginning with S
Dictionary of Signs beginning with G Dictionary of Signs beginning with T
Dictionary of Signs beginning with H Dictionary of Signs beginning with U
Dictionary of Signs beginning with I Dictionary of Signs beginning with V
Dictionary of Signs beginning with K Dictionary of Signs beginning with W
Dictionary of Signs beginning with L Dictionary of Signs beginning with Y
Dictionary of Signs beginning with M Dictionary of Signs beginning with Z

Dictionary of Symbols - Facts
Symbols and signs can mean different things to different people. A black cat for example is considered good luck in Japan whereas most European countries consider a black cat to be a sign of impending bad luck. Depending on the cultural context, a symbol might have several different meanings. It is therefore important to consider the culture and religion of a person when trying to establish the symbolism of a particular item, animal, bird, colour, flower or tree!

Did you know...

Dictionary - Fact One

The meaning of the word 'symbol' is 'to throw together'. It is derived from the ancient Greek word 'symballein'

Dictionary - Fact Two

The use of Signs and Symbols is a great way of saying something quickly, they are a universal language and understood no matter what language or dialect spoken

Dictionary - Fact Three

Symbols, Signs and Abbreviations have been used for centuries, even the Vikings used symbols! The use of signs and abbreviations are as old as the use of alphabets!

Dictionary - Fact Four

A sign can be described as an indicator, a clue, hint, reminder, gesture or a cue. A sign used by a brand is known as a trademark. Signs refer to objects in a more literal way, such as pointing something out or standing for something

Dictionary - Fact Five

The study of symbols and signs is called symbology!

Dictionary - Fact Six

The @ or 'at' sign on the keyboard is one of the most popular and familiar modern symbols!

Dictionary - Fact Seven

A symbol can be as simple as a single character or a number

Dictionary - Fact Eight

Many symbols have deep religious and spiritual significance such as the fish, the secret Christian sign

Dictionary - Fact Nine

Each day we see thousands of different symbols from road signs to keyboard symbols!

Dictionary - Fact Ten

Pictograms, Ideograms, Trademarks, Hallmarks, Logos, Monograms, Abbreviations, Coat of Arms, Abbreviations and Phonograms are all examples of symbols!

Dictionary of Signs - Tattoos
Symbols and signs are a great choice for tattoos. Looking for inspiration for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a symbol or incorporate a selection of symbols into your own unique design? Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each one.

 Dictionary of Signs

Dictionary of Symbols

  • Facts about a selection of different signs, emblems and icons

  • Thinking of incorporating a particular symbol in your Tattoo Design? Check out its real meaning!

Dictionary of Symbols Picture


Pictures and Videos of Dictionary of Symbols
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Dictionary of Symbols and illustrate the different Symbols that we encounter in everyday life. What is the significance of each symbol? What do each of the planets symbolise? What is the symbolism of a red rose? Is a black cat lucky? What does Honey symbolize? What is the significance of an Eagle to symbology? Find the answer to these questions about symbols and more! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on Signs for everyone!


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By Melissa Russell