Astrology Symbols - What
is an Astrologer?
An astrologer is defined as
someone who practices astrology. The word astrology is derived from the
Latin word 'astrologia' meaning 'account of the stars'. An astrologer is
described as a person who professes to foretell events by the aspects
and situation of the stars. Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) best
known as Nostradamus and famous worldwide for his prophecies was also
famous for Judicial astrology. Judicial Astrology, the science of
forecasting future events by calculating the relationship of stars and
planets to the Earth.
Astrology & The Planets
Meteorological astrology,
also known as astrometeorology is the science of mapping the
astrological locations of the Sun, Moon and planets to forecast the
weather. The numbers seven and twelve were sacred to ancient astrologers
and references to the number seven include: Seven days of the week,
seven stories of the tower of Babylon, seven gates of Thebes, seven
piped flute of Pan, seven stringed lyre of Apollo, seven books of fate,
the book of seven seals, the seven castes into which the Egyptians and
East Indians were divided and the jubilee of seven times seven years.
References to the number twelve include: twelve months of the year, the
grand cycle of 12,000 years, twelve altars of James, twelve labors of
Hercules, twelve divisions of the Egyptian Labyrinth, twelve shields of
Mars, the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve tribes of Israel and the
twelve Disciples.
Astrology Symbols -
Indian Horoscope
Vedic astrology is the Hindu
system of astrology and similar to other cultures the Hindu's believe
that there is a link to personality traits depending on the location of
the planets at the time of birth and these planetary influences are
referred to as 'fruit of karma'. Vedic astrology uses zodiac signs and
these are split into sixteen 'Varga'. Astrology is an important part of
Indian life and many important business and personal decisions are made
taking astrology into account! Followers of the ancient science of Vedic
astrology believe that there are 27 constellations which are made up of
12 zodiac signs. There are nine planets each with twelve houses. Each
individual house and planet represents a specific aspect of human life.
Astrology Symbols
- What are the signs of the Zodiac?
The western zodiac is split
into twelve signs, these are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each
of the individual zodiac signs is associated with an animal and has a
constellation, element, sign ruler as well as a detriment and
Astrology Symbols
- Zodiac Tattoos
Astrology symbols are a
popular choice for tattoo designs. Incorporating a picture of your
zodiac animal or the glyph for your zodiac sign is fantastic choice for
anyone with an interest in astrology or the zodiac and these popular
body art symbols look good inked anywhere on the body. Why not
incorporate your entire families zodiac glyph in your tattoo design or
make your own unique picture using a combination of zodiac animals,
constellations or elements? Look no further for ideas and inspiration
for your next body art design!
Astrology Symbols
- Zodiac Dates
Symbols - Aries
Astrology Symbols:
20 March – 19 April
Constellation: Aries
Element: Fire
ruler: Mars
Detriment: Venus
Exaltation: Sun
Astrology Symbols - Taurus
Astrology Symbols:
19 April - 20 May
Constellation: Taurus
Element: Earth
ruler: Venus
Detriment: Mars
Exaltation: Moon
Astrology Symbols - Gemini
Astrology Symbols:
20 May – 20 June
Constellation: Gemini
Element: Air
ruler: Mercury
Detriment: Jupiter
Exaltation: None
Astrology Symbols - Cancer
Astrology Symbols:
20 June – 22 July
Constellation: Cancer
Element: Water
ruler: Moon
Detriment: Saturn
Exaltation: Jupiter
Astrology Symbols - Leo
Astrology Symbols - Virgo
Astrology Symbols - Libra
Astrology Symbols - Scorpio
Astrology Symbols - Sagittarius
Astrology Symbols - Capricorn
Astrology Symbols -
Astrology Symbols:♒
January – 18 February
Constellation: Aquarius
Element: Air
ruler: Uranus
Detriment: Sun
Exaltation: None
Astrology Symbols - Pisces
Astrology Symbols -
The Chinese use a lunar
calendar beginning on a different date each year in January or February
as a base for their zodiac system. There are twelve
individual animal signs which rotate every twelve years.
They also use elements such as Water, Metal, Wood, Fire
and Air.
Astrology Symbols