Windows Accent Marks

Windows Accent Marks

Windows Accent Marks
Windows Accent Marks..Infinity...Trademark...Copyright...Alt Symbols...Euro...Pound...Special...Short Cuts...Windows Accent Marks

A comprehensive guide to windows accent marks .

Discover facts and information about windows accent marks .

Find out about the symbols and signs used everyday including the infinity symbol, at sign, trademark and copyright symbols and many more!

Windows Accent Marks
Different dialects and languages require the use of specific characters. Unless you are using a country specific keyboard accent marks are not obvious! Check out the table below for a list of accent marks and their ALT codes. Entering ALT codes is simple! Just follow these simple instructions:

  1. Make sure that the the Num Lock key has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard (usually a light above the numeric keypad will confirm that Num Lock is on)

  2. Press and hold down the Alt key

  3. While the Alt key is held down, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) using the ALT code from the table below

  4. Once you release the Alt key, the character will appear!

Qwerty Keyboard Image

List of Windows Accent Marks
The table below lists the most commonly used accent marks for windows computers, for information on how to add ALT codes to your documents, have a look at our article on ALT codes

QWERTY Keyboard Keys

Character ALT /HTML Code
Á ALT 0193
á ALT 0225
É ALT 0201
é ALT 0233
Í ALT 0205
í ALT 0237
Ó ALT 0211
ó ALT 0243
Ú ALT 0218
ú ALT 0250
Ñ ALT 0209
ñ ALT 0241
Ú ALT 0218
Û ALT 0219
Ü ALT 0220
Ý ALT 0221
à ALT 0224
á ALT 0225
ó ALT 0243
Ú ALT 0218
Ç ALT 128
ü ALT 129
é ALT 130
â ALT 131
ä ALT 132
à ALT 133
å ALT 134
ç ALT 135
ê ALT 136
ë ALT 137
è ALT 138
ï ALT 139
î ALT 140
ì ALT 141
Ä ALT 142
Å ALT 143
û ALT 150
ű HTML ű

Windows Accent Marks - Facts
Facts....Did you know...

Windows Accent Marks

Windows Accent Marks Fact 1: An accent is also known as a diacritical mark

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 2: Diacritical marks or accent marks change the sound of the letter that they are added to

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 3: The acute accent mark indicates the height of stressed vowels in French, Italian and Portugese (eg. é)

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 4: The acute accent marks long vowels in Irish, Hungarians and Arabic

Windows Accent Marks

Windows Accent Marks Fact 5: The double acute accent is mainly used in the Hungarian language and is commonly known as a Hungarumlaut (e.g. ű)

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 6: The grave accent mark is used to lower the pitch of a sound (e.g. à)

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 7: In Italian, the grave accent marks a stressed vowel

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 8: Although not part of English grammar, the grave accent is sometimes used in English poetry and song lyrics to indicate that a silent vowel should be pronounced

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 9: Computer programmers use the grave accent character (without a letter) and refer to its a a back tick or back quote

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 10: The circumflex or carat is a diacritic mark which is also used in mathmetics and commonly referred to as a hat or a roof (^)

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 11: A tilde accent mark (~) has several different uses. It was originally used as an abbreviation mark but also means approximately and similar to

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 12: The pilcrow (¶) is also known as a paragraph mark, blind P and paragraph mark and as its name suggests is used to indicate the start of a new paragraph

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Accent Marks Fact 13: Guillemets ( « ») also called known as angle quotes or French quotation marks. They are polylines and pointed as if arrows, often used as a form of quotation mark

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Marks Fact 14: The section sign (ALT + 0167) § is used to identify a section of a document, legal code for example. It is also known by the following names: legal doughnut, sectional symbol and double s

Windows Accent Marks

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Windows Marks Fact 15: Parentheses () are typographical characters that are also simply known as brackets, round brackets, curved brackets or oval brackets

Windows Accent Marks - Tattoos
Keyboard symbols are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a keyboard symbol or incorporate a selection of windows accent marks into your own design? Perhaps you want to include the popular # or 'hash tag' for example in your message? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of social media! Windows accent marks make a great choice for tattoo designs! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each keyboard Symbol.

Windows Accent Marks

 | at sign

  Windows Accent Marks

Windows Accent Marks

  • Cool Windows Accent Marks

  • Shortcuts, Alt Codes

  • Meaning of different Windows Accent Marks

  • Pictures of Windows Accent Marks

  • Using Windows Accent Marks in Tattoo Designs

Windows Accent Marks

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Pictures and Videos of Windows Accent Marks
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to windows accent marks and illustrate the many different keyboard symbols we use and see on a daily basis! What are accent marks? How do you incorporate them in your document? How many accent marks are there?  Find the answer to these questions about windows accent marks and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in computers and technology or for anyone who needs to find a symbol for their document fast! All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource on windows accent marks for everyone!


Windows Accent Marks - Shortcut - Typing- Accent - Trademark - Copyright - Alt Codes - Windows - Pound - Spanish - Key - Letters - Computer - Keyboard - Combination - Numeric - Keypad - Shortcuts - Cool - Heart - All - List - Name - Names -  Windows Accent Marks   - Signs - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoo - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Code - Images - Facts - Symbols

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