Windows Accent Marks
Fact 1: An accent is also known as a diacritical
mark |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 2: Diacritical marks or accent marks change the
sound of the letter that they are added to |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 3: The acute accent mark indicates the height
of stressed vowels in French, Italian and Portugese (eg.
é) |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 4: The acute accent marks long vowels in Irish,
Hungarians and Arabic |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 5: The double acute accent is mainly used in
the Hungarian language and is commonly known as a
Hungarumlaut (e.g. ű) |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 6: The grave accent mark is used to lower the
pitch of a sound (e.g. à) |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 7: In Italian, the grave accent marks a
stressed vowel |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 8: Although not part of English grammar, the
grave accent is sometimes used in English poetry and
song lyrics to indicate that a silent vowel should be
pronounced |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 9: Computer programmers use the grave accent
character (without a letter) and refer to its a a back
tick or back quote |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 10: The circumflex or carat is a diacritic mark
which is also used in mathmetics and commonly referred
to as a hat or a roof (^) |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 11: A tilde accent mark (~) has several
different uses. It was originally used as an
abbreviation mark but also means approximately and
similar to |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 12: The pilcrow (¶) is also known as a
paragraph mark, blind P and paragraph mark and as its
name suggests is used to indicate the start of a new
paragraph |
Windows Accent Marks
Fact 13: Guillemets ( « ») also called known as
angle quotes or French quotation marks. They are
polylines and pointed as if arrows, often used as a form
of quotation mark |
Windows Marks
Fact 14: The section sign (ALT + 0167) § is used to
identify a section of a document, legal code for
example. It is also known by the following names: legal
doughnut, sectional symbol and double s |
Windows Marks
Fact 15: Parentheses () are typographical characters
that are also simply known as brackets, round brackets,
curved brackets or oval brackets |