

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac | Image
Chinese Zodiac | Image


A useful introduction to the Chinese Zodiac. Discover facts and information about each of the twelve Chinese Zodiac signs.

The Chinese Zodiac consists of twelve 'chih' or terrestrial branches: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Hare (or Rabbit), Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog, Monkey, Cock (Rooster) and Boar (or Pig). The twelve animals are split into six wild and six domestic animals; six ying and six yang.


Chinese Zodiac - Rat - Ox - Tiger - Dragon - Hare - Snake -  Horse - Goat - Dog - Monkey - Cock - Boar

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac- Definition
In many cultures it is believed that there is a link between the position of the sun, moon and other planets at the time of a persons birth. This position gives an individual certain personality traits as well as predicting events which are likely to occur in their life. The Chinese Zodiac is based on a 12 year lunar cycle; each year representing a particular animal. New Year is the biggest festival in China and lasts for fifteen days in January and February. Its start date is dictated by  the date of the new moon.

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What is the Chinese Zodiac?
The Chinese Zodiac is based on a twelve year cycle with each year representing a particular animal. The animals of the Chinese Zodiac are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The Chinese zodiac shares many similarities with the western zodiac but instead of being splint into months, each year of the Chinese zodiac represents an animal. People born within a particular year are believed to inherit certain traits from the animal, for example people born in the year of the monkey are considered to be clever and witty whereas those born in the year of the tiger are thought to be lucky and brave. Study the following table for common characteristics shared by your zodiac animal!

Rat  ()
  • Great Leaders
  • Lively
  • Motivated by money and status!
  • Positive aspects: Intelligent, Charming and Confident
  • Negative Aspects: Jealous, Selfish, Ruthless
Ox ()
  • Excellent Planners
  • Strong Character
  • Tolerant of others
  • Motivated
  • Have hearts of Gold
  • Positive aspects: Hardworking, Loyal, Patient, Good Hearted
  • Negative Aspects: Critical, Petty and Vain
Tiger ()
  • Need to be loved!
  • Competitive
  • Protective of their loved ones
  • Positive aspects: Independent, Productive and Loyal
  • Negative Aspects: Stubborn, Anxious and Moody
Rabbit ()
  • Calm natured and great leaders
  • Stylish and Sophisticated
  • Great communicators
  • Positive aspects: Well-mannered, caring and sensible
  • Negative Aspects: Insecure, Pessimistic and Sly
Dragon ()
  • Great Leaders
  • Free spirits, unlimited energy
  • Very lucky (the dragon is a Chinese good luck symbol)
  • Positive aspects: Intelligent, Charming and Confident
  • Negative Aspects: Jealous, Selfish, Ruthless
Snake ()
  • Excellent Planners
  • Great business people
  • Not emotional!
  • Positive aspects: Hardworking, Loyal, Patient, Good Hearted
  • Negative Aspects: Critical, Petty and Vain
Horse ()
  • Need to be loved
  • Life and soul of the party, funny and quick witted
  • Like to start tasks but often they don't finish them!
  • Positive aspects: Independent, Productive and Loyal
  • Negative Aspects: Stubborn, Anxious and Moody
Goat ()
  • Calm natured and great leaders
  • Peaceful and calm characters
  • Artistic
  • Positive aspects: Well-mannered, caring and sensible
  • Negative Aspects: Insecure, Pessimistic and Sly
Monkey ()
  • Great Leaders
  • Curious (nosy!) and fun loving
  • Great imaginations
  • Positive aspects: Intelligent, Charming and Confident
  • Negative Aspects: Jealous, Selfish, Ruthless
Rooster ()
  • Excellent Planners
  • Trustworthy
  • Like to be heard, not shy!
  • Positive aspects: Hardworking, Loyal, Patient, Good Hearted
  • Negative Aspects: Critical, Petty and Vain
Dog ()
  • Need to be loved!
  • Great listeners but can be worriers
  • Always finish tasks!
  • Positive aspects: Independent, Productive and Loyal
  • Negative Aspects: Stubborn, Anxious and Moody
Pig ()
  • Calm natured and great leaders
  • Honest, patient and understanding
  • Very charitable, think of others before themselves
  • Positive aspects: Well-mannered, caring and sensible
  • Negative Aspects: Insecure, Pessimistic and Sly

Chinese Zodiac Animals - Meanings
Each of the individual Chinese Zodiac animals has a pictorial image also known as a glyph. The glyph's for all the Zodiac animals are shown in the list below:


Chinese Zodiac and Elements
The Chinese zodiac also includes the addition of four bright stars, which are said to watch over the other stars. These are:

  • Taschter for the East
  • Sater for the West
  • Venaud for the South
  • Hastorang for the North
Chinese Zodiac | Sun and Moon Image

Chinese Zodiac - Chinese Astrology

Chinese Zodiac Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 1: The Chinese use a lunar calendar beginning on a different date each year in January or February as a base for their astrology system

Chinese Zodiac Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 2: There are twelve individual animal signs in the Chinese Zodiac which rotate every twelve years

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 3: The Chinese Zodiac uses elements such as Water, Metal, Wood, Fire and Air. Elements are an important part of the Chinese Zodiac

Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 4: Apart from animal signs that relate to the year of a persons birth, the Chinese zodiac system also has animals assigned to the birth month, day and even hour of birth!

China Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 5: The animal associated with the month of birth is known as the 'inner animal'

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 6: The animal associated with the day of a persons birth is known as the 'true animal'

Chinese Zodiac Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 7: The animal associated with the hour of a persons birth is known as the 'secret animal'

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 8: An individuals secret animal is considered to be the best representation of a person's character as it is assigned to the actual hour of birth

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 9: The Korean and Chinese zodiac are identical

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 10: The Vietnamese zodiac differs slightly from the Chinese zodiac in that the fourth animal is a cat and not a rabbit and the Ox is replaced with a water buffalo

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Chinese Zodiac Fact 11: The Japanese zodiac begins on the first of January , it follows the Gregorian calendar and uses the Boar instead of the Pig

Chinese Zodiac | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 12: The four pillars of destiny are an important feature in the Chinese Zodiac, each pillar or column represents the year, mouth, day and hour of a persons birth

Chinese Zodiac | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 13: The Chinese Zodiac animals are split into four 'trines' which group the an individuals characteristics.

Chinese Zodiac | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 14: The first zodiac trine is made up of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. The Second trine consists of the Snake, Rooster and Ox. The third trine is the Dog, Horse and Tiger. The fourth trine is the Pig, Goat and Rabbit

Zodiac Symbols | Picture

Chinese Zodiac Fact 15:  Being born in the year of the Dragon is considered very lucky in China, the dragon is a symbol of good luck and it is believed that luck is passed to everyone born in the year of the dragon!

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac

  • Ancient Chinese Zodiac

  • Meaning of Chinese Zodiac

  • Origin and History of Chinese Zodiac & Horoscope

  • Facts about the Chinese Zodiac

  • Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Chinese Zodiac Animals


Pictures and Videos of Chinese Zodiac
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to the Chinese Zodiac which make up the twelve symbols of the zodiac that we are familiar with. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource for everyone! Find out the meaning of the Chinese Zodiac as well as personality characteristics, facts and information about each animal of the Chinese zodiac.


Chinese Zodiac  - Chinese Horoscope - Animals in Zodiac - Animals - Zodiac- Elements - Signs - Astrology - Symbols - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Compatable - Compatible - Dates - Compatibility - Matches - Meanings - Astrology - Pictures - Dictionary - Zodiak - Astrological - Star - Symbolism - Symbolic - Symbolise - Meaning - Meanings - Symbolises - Definitions - Definition - Names - Name - Pictures - Picture - Pics - Image - Images -  Glyph - Rat -  Ox - Tiger - Rabbit - Dragon - Snake - Horse - Goat - Monkey - Rooster - Dog - Pig - Year - Chart - Meanings - Chinese - Zodiac