Music Symbols - Music
Terms Glossary
There are many different terms used in music, some we can
instantly recognise such as prelude or lyric. There are however many
more that are not quite as familiar to us including modulation, cadence
and appoggiatura. Learn what each particular term means; a great way to
learn musical theory or to refresh your memory.
Music Symbols - Music
The word scale is derived from the Latin word 'scala' which means
ladder. It is an an ascending or descending series of tones.
There are three general classes of scales: Diatonic, Chromatic and
Whole-tone. Find out the difference between a harmonic minor scale and a
melodic minor scale. This section includes lots of useful information on musical scales
and the theory behind them.
Music Symbols - Meaning
Music symbols are the individual signs and symbols used to represent
musical scores and compositions in music notation. They include well
known symbols such as the treble clef and staff but are also used to
represent the pitch, rhythm and tempo of music. Find out about a
selection of music symbols as well as their meaning and significance.
Did you know that the four elements attributed to music are Rhythm,
Melody, Harmony and Timbre (better known as tone-quality)? Read more
about each of the individual elements.
Music Symbols & Music
Music Symbols - Music
There are literally thousands of terms used in music. Many are familiar
to us such as 'a capella' and 'anthem' both terms used in vocal music,
but do we know what they mean? What is the difference between a ballad
and an anthem? What is a 'cantata'? What is the difference between a
grand opera and a light opera? Find the answers to these questions on
vocal music terminology as well as terms used for sheet music and
musical scores in the useful glossary of music terminology.
Music Symbols - Musical
A staff is a collection of parallel lines, together with the spaces
belonging to them. A staff usually consists of five lines and six
spaces. They are known as the first line, second line, third line,
fourth line, and fifth line and the space below them is referred to as
first space, second space, third space, fourth space, and space above. A
clef symbol is a placed on the staff to identify the pitch represented
by its lines and spaces. For example a G clef better known as a Treble
Clef shows us not only that the second line of the staff represents G,
but that the first line represents E, the first space F, etc. In the
same way, the F clef (or Bass staff) shows us that the fifth line of the
bass staff represents the first A below middle C, the fourth line the
first F below middle C, etc.
Music Symbols - Treble
& Base Clef
A clef symbol is a placed on the staff to identify the pitch
represented by its lines and spaces. For example a G clef better known
as a Treble Clef shows us not only that the second line of the staff
represents G, but that the first line represents E, the first space F,
etc. In the same way, the F clef (or Bass staff) shows us that the fifth
line of the bass staff represents the first A below middle C, the fourth
line the first F below middle C and so on. Find out more about each clef
including a selection of graphics to illustrate their positions.
Music Symbols -
Sheet Music
Sheet music, also commonly referred to as a musical Score is a
written form of music notation. Traditionally either hand written or
printed on paper, sheet music is now viewed on computer screens, tablets
and mobile phones all over the world. The term sheet is used to
differentiate the written notes from a live performance. Sheet music is
defined as 'a written representation of music'. A score is a more
generic term for sheet music and can also be used to describe the music
written for operas, ballets or film and television.
Music Symbols - Ornaments
In music, ornaments are used to describe symbols that change the
pitch pattern of specific notes. They are also referred to as
embellishments and include the terms Trill, Mordent, Glissando, Turn and
Appoggiatura. Find out about each of the individual ornament symbols
including the music genres that uses them including Jazz, Celtic, Rock
and Pop and Indian.
Music Symbols -
Dynamics In Music
Dynamics refer to the tone of music and several terms are used
Music Symbols -
Music Accents
What is an accent in music? Also referred to as an articulation
mark, an accent specifies how a particular note is to be performed. A
Staccato indicates that a note is to be played shorter than normal
whereas a Fermata is a pause. Find out about a selection of musical
accents, facts and pictures to help you understand the individual terms.
Music Symbols -
List of Musical
Musical instruments can be split into two distinct groups,
instruments with a keyboard such as a piano that can make several tones
at the same time and those instruments that are only capable of making a
single tone at a time such as a trumpet, clarinet or tuba. Find out
about a selection of musical instruments, including facts and history.
Music Symbols - Piano Music
Pianos are described as musical instruments that are played by means
of a keyboard. They are one of the most popular instruments in the world
and widely used in classical and jazz music. Pianos are used for a
variety of different music performances including solo performances,
ensemble use and chamber music. They are a very popular instrument for
composing and rehearsal and children all over the world are taught to
play this beautiful instrument. Traditional pianos are expensive and not
certainly not portable. Pianos are also often used as pieces of
furniture in larger homes, hotels and restaurants all over the world,
this has made them one of the world's most familiar musical instruments.
In today's modern world, children are often taught to play using an
electronic keyboard as they are much cheaper and very portable. With the
popularity of tablet computers and laptops, some amazing computer
programs have been written to replicate the keyboard . Very young
children can now learn the piano interactively on their ipad or kindle!
Apps allow them to choose specific songs; the correct keys are then
highlighted when they appropriate note is to be played. This method of
teaching makes learning the piano fun for all ages. Learning to press
the keys when prompted is child's play however learning to read piano
music notation and learning the specific keys that relate to the notes
is equally important. Find out about piano music notation in this
Music Symbols -
Definition of Note
The word note comes from the Latin word 'nota' which means a mark or a
sign and is made up of either one, two or three individual parts known
as the head, stem and hook. The hook is also called the tail or
cross-stroke. Different rules apply to the direction of the stem when
more than one part is included in the musical score.
Music Symbols
- Facts
Music Symbols Facts....Did you know...
♫ |
Fact 1: The Greek
sun god Apollo, the son of Zeus was also the god of
music! |
♫ |
Fact 2: A group of
sharp or flat symbols at the beginning of a staff
indicates the key in which the composition is written |
♫ |
Fact 3: The musical
term 'Crescendo' means a gradual increase in power |
♫ |
Fact 4: A sharp
(♯) raises the pitch of the note by a semitone or
half step |
♫ |
Fact 5: The word scale is derived from the Latin word 'scala'
which means ladder |
♫ |
Fact 6: A flat (♭)
lowers the pitch of a music note it by by a semitone or half
step |
♫ |
Fact 7: If you hear harmonious and soothing music in your dream
it is a good omen of prosperity and pleasure! |
♫ |
Fact 8: A crotchet
is a Quarter-note |
♫ |
Fact 9: The term
demi- 'half' means half in French |
♫ |
Fact 10: The musical
term hemi- means 'half' Greek |
♫ |
Fact 11: The word note
is comes from the Latin word 'nota' meaning a mark or a
sign |
♫ |
Fact 12: In
musical notation, the element semi- means half in Latin |
♫ |
Fact 13: A rest is a
character which indicates a rhythmic silence of a
certain relative length |
♫ |
Fact 14: In music
notation the term quasi- means 'almost' |
♫ |
Fact 15: Sharps,
flats, naturals, double-sharps and double-flats that
occur in the course of the music composition after the key
signature are called accidentals |
Music Symbols - Bible
Music was
mentioned many times in the bible, the following definition of music
symbols is taken from Easton Bible Dictionary.
Jubal was the
inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The Hebrews
were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole
history and literature afford abundant evidence of this.
After the Deluge, the first mention of music is in the
account of Laban's interview with Jacob (Gen. 31:27). After
their triumphal passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the
children of Israel sang their song of deliverance (Ex. 15)
The period of
Samuel, David, and Solomon was the golden age of Hebrew
music, as it was of Hebrew poetry. Music was now for the
first time systematically cultivated. It was an essential
part of training in the schools of the prophets (1 Sam.
10:5; 19:19-24; 2 Kings 3:15; 1 Chr. 25:6). There now arose
also a class of professional singers (2 Sam. 19:35; Eccl.
2:8). The temple, however, was the great school of music. In
the conducting of its services large bands of trained
singers and players on instruments were constantly employed
(2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chr. 15; 16; 23;5; 25:1-6)
Dream Explanation
- Music Symbols
harmonious and soothing music in your dream, is a good omen of
prosperity, pleasure and the expression of your emotions in a positive
way. Music serves to heal the soul. Hearing discordant music in your
dream means unhappiness and troubles in the home.
Music Symbols - Tattoos
Music symbols
and notes are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo
design? Why not choose a musical note or incorporate a selection of musical
in your own design? A great way to show your interest in the
fascinating world of music. Whether your preferred genre is Rock or
Classical, Disco or Country, music symbols are a great choice for a
tattoo! Browse through our selection of images and check out the
meaning of specific symbols.
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Music Symbols ♪
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