Masonic Symbols - What
are the Freemasons?
The society of
Freemasons is the worlds oldest male only club or association. Each
individual member is referred to as a mason and they form part of a
freemasonry lodge which is run by wardens and a grand master.
Freemasonry has always been considered a secret society, tales of secret
handshakes have been told for hundreds of years! Discover the
significance of a huge range of masonic symbols and rituals including an
explanation of the tracing board pictures. The world of the Freemasons
is a fascinating one full of symbolism and a wish for the perfect way of
Types of Masonic Symbols
Masonic Symbols
are the individual signs and symbols used to represent
members of the society of freemasons. Masonic symbols include many of
the essential tools used by stone masons including: Trowel, Apron,
Level, Plumb Rule, Square and Masonry Blocks.
Masonic Symbols
- Freemason Apron
The apron is
a freemason symbol which is symbolic of several different things: It is
an inheritance from the past, a badge of a mason, and an emblem of
innocence and sacrifice. A members apron is decorated according to their
level or rank within the society. A junior first degree member of the
lodge will have a much plainer apron that that worn by the lodges grand
Masonic Symbols
- Emblem
Each lodge has its own unique emblem and every member of the lodge
is taught about the wide range of emblems and symbols that the world of
freemasonry holds. Masons are a 'brotherhood' and entrance to a lodge is
not easy however members almost always remain freemasons for their
entire life and many have a strong family tradition, an aim to join the
'brotherhood' and elevate through the ranks of the lodge to grand master
Masonic Symbols - Tracing
A tracing or
trace board is an important emblem used to represent members of the
society of freemasons. A tracing board is a picture or illustration that
contains the important symbols used in freemasonry. The board is used to
explain the principles of masonic beliefs to new members of the lodge.
Different images are used for trace boards depending on the level of the
freemason, check out the page on tracing board for images of first and
second degree boards as well as facts and information about each of the
individual symbols.
Masonic Symbols
- Rituals
What rituals are
performed by freemasons? Do they have initiation rituals? Why is there a
ritual for laying of a cornerstone in a lodge? What is the significance
of these rituals? Find out the answers to these questions and more, an
easy to follow guide to masonic rituals.
Masonic Symbols
- Handshake
Why do the freemasons have secret handshakes? What are they and what
do they mean? Find out the answers to all your questions about masonic
handshakes! Illustrations of each handshake as well as explanations
about the different handshakes given by masons of different rank. Enter
the secret world of the freemasons, a simple guide to masonic
Masonic Symbols
- Prayers
Do Freemasons pray? Is the bible their sacred book or do they have
their own sacred scriptures? What prayers do they say and when do they
pray? What happens when a freemason dies? How do fellow members of the
lodge show respect for their dead? Learn the answers to all your
questions about masonic prayers!
Masonic Symbols
- Facts
Masonic Symbols
Facts....Did you know...
Masonic Symbols
Fact 1: Stone mason tools are used by freemasons to
symbolise personal and spiritual growth |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 2: Every member of the freemasons belong to a
lodge |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 3: A tracing board is used to explain the
principles of masonic beliefs to new members of the
lodge |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 4: The Jacob's ladder symbolises the path
between heaven and earth |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 5: The all seeing eye is a symbol of god and
his ability to see everything we do and say |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 6: The American dollar bill uses freemasonry
symbols including the all seeing eye of god and the
pyramid which symbolises wisdom and knowledge |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 7: The freemasons apron is symbolic of the
lambskin aprons which were worn by original stone masons |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 8: A square (instrument of measure) is the
emblem of the lodge master and represents moral code |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 9: The grand master of the lodge sits in the
east of the lodge, this is symbolic of the sun which
rises in the east at the beginning of each day |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 10: The black and white squares on the floor of
the tracing board symbolise the struggle between good
and evil |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 11: The three pillars which appear on the
tracing board represent the 'rule of three' which are
wisdom, beauty and strength |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 12: The trowel symbol signifies brotherhood and
how members of the lodge 'cement' their relationship
with fellow masons |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 13: The compass and the square are the main
symbols of the freemasons, they are considered the
essential tools of a stone mason |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 14: The plumb rule is the emblem of a junior
lodge warden |
Masonic Symbols
Fact 15: The beech tree is symbolic to the
freemasons and their hammer is made from beech wood. The
bark of the beech tree symbolises endurance |
Masonic Symbols
- Tattoos
emblems are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for a unique tattoo
design? Why not choose a masonic symbol or incorporate a selection of
masonic emblems
in your own design? A great way to show your interest in the
fascinating world of freemasonry. Whether you are a freemason or
not, a masonic emblem makes a great choice for a tattoo design! Browse through our selection of images and check out the
meaning of the specific Masonic symbols.
Masonic Symbols