Musical Terms Glossary


Musical Terms Glossary

Musical Terms Glossary | Symbol Picture

♪♪♪♪.... Musical Terms Glossary..Did you know....A trio is a sonata for three instruments (for example the piano, violin, cello), A quartet is a sonata for four instruments, the most common quartet combination is: First and second violins, viola, and violoncello. The term chamber music is often used to refer to instrumental music for trio, quartet, quintet, and other similar combinations which are more suitable for a small room rather than for a large concert hall....Musical Terms Glossary ♪♪♪♪♪

A useful guide to Musical Terms Glossary. Facts, Images and worksheets! An easy way to brush up on musical theory. Information on the symbols and signs used in musical scores and notation.


Musical Terms Glossary - Definition
A glossary is defined as an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge, in this example it refers to music. The glossary is usually published as an appendix to a text or book. The following glossary of musical terms includes a selection of musical terms. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to list every musical terms as the list is endless! Check out the list of music terms below and then try our quiz on musical terms! Just click on the link below, the answers have also been provided. Print as many copies as you like, the worksheet is free and printable!

Musical Terms Glossary - Worksheet
Need to test your knowledge of musical terms or are you looking for a quiz to test your students? Click on the link below and print off and complete a useful worksheet including a quiz on musical terms and notation. The answers have also been provided, just click on the link at the bottom of the quiz for the answers in a printable format.

Treble Clef Worksheet

Music Theory Worksheet

♪ ♫ Music Terms ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Glossary ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Music Terms  ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Glossary  ♪ ♫
Alto the lowest female voice Baritone the male voice having a range between that of the tenor and that of the bass.
Discord an ugly, inharmonious combination of tones Mellifluous
pleasing; pleasant sounding
Crescendo ed affrettando gradually louder and faster Gamut all the tones of a scale
Con bravura with boldness Fanfare
a trumpet call
Fortissimo possibile as loudly as possible Duet a composition for two performers
Lento di molto
very slowly Bolero triple measure
Moderato a moderate tempo All'unisono in unison
Sextet a composition for six voices or instruments Orchestration the art of writing for the orchestra
Pizzicato plucked. A term found in music for stringed instruments Solmization sight-singing by syllable

Musical Terms Glossary - Facts
Musical Terms Glossary Facts....Did you know...

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 1: The image below is a Bass Clef and indicates that the fourth line of the musical staff is F

Music Terms Glossary | Bass Clef

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 2: The image below is a Treble Clef and is placed on the second line of the musical stave
Music Terms Glossary | Treble Clef

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 3: The music term Crescendo (abbreviation: cresc. or < ) means a gradual increase in power

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 4: A note is a character expressing relative duration, which when placed on a music scale or staff indicates that a certain tone is to be sounded for a certain relative length of time

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 5: A cantata is a vocal composition for chorus and soloists, the text being either sacred or secular

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 6: The tonic or root note is the central and most stable note of the music scale

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 7: The symbol 'f' is used in music dynamics to indicate that a composition is to be played 'strongly'

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 8: A caesura is a break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line. The word comes from the Latin word caesura which is a cutting off, a division or stop and from the French words caedere, caesum meaning to cut off

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 9: The symbol 'ff' is used in music dynamics to indicate that a composition is to be played 'very loud/very strong'

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 10: The words 'semi-breve' are used to describe a whole note

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 11: The music term 'opera' is an Italian word which translates to 'work'!

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 12:  New words are being added to music terms on a daily basis! As Digital music grows in popularity, new words become the norm such as 'ADSR' which stands for Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release which relates to sound in a music synthesiser

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 13:  In modern music notation, four clefs are used regularly, these are the treble clef, the bass clef, the alto clef, and the tenor clef

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 14: The word 'Soprano' is used in musical terms to describe the highest female voice

Musical Terms Glossary Fact 15: In musical terms, the Italian word 'Presto' translates to 'ready' but actually means that the piece is to be played 'very fast'!

Musical Terms Glossary - Bible References
Music was mentioned many times in the bible, the following definition of music is taken from Easton Bible Dictionary.

  • Jubal was the inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The Hebrews were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole history and literature afford abundant evidence of this. After the Deluge, the first mention of music is in the account of Laban's interview with Jacob (Gen. 31:27). After their triumphal passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang their song of deliverance (Ex. 15)

  • The period of Samuel, David, and Solomon was the golden age of Hebrew music, as it was of Hebrew poetry. Music was now for the first time systematically cultivated. It was an essential part of training in the schools of the prophets (1 Sam. 10:5; 19:19-24; 2 Kings 3:15; 1 Chr. 25:6). There now arose also a class of professional singers (2 Sam. 19:35; Eccl. 2:8). The temple, however, was the great school of music. In the conducting of its services large bands of trained singers and players on instruments were constantly employed (2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chr. 15; 16; 23;5; 25:1-6)

Image of Music Staff | Music Terms Glossary

Music Terms Glossary - Music Notation Image

Dream Explanation - Musical Terms Glossary
Hearing harmonious and soothing music in your dream, is a good omen of prosperity, pleasure and the expression of your emotions in a positive way. Music serves to heal the soul. Hearing discordant music in your dream means unhappiness and troubles in the home. 

Musical Terms Glossary - Tattoos
Musical Terms Glossary images are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for inspiration for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a musical note or incorporate a selection of musical symbols in your own design? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of music. Whether your preferred genre is Rock or Classical, Disco or Country, The Musical Terms Glossary symbol is a great choice for a tattoo! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each one.

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Musical Terms Glossary

  • Musical Terms Glossary - Theory

  • Meaning of Musical Terms Glossary

  • Musical Terms Glossary - Facts

  • Glossary of Terms

  • Musical Terms Glossary - Tattoo Designs

Musical Terms Glossary Picture


Pictures and Videos of Musical Terms Glossary
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Musical Terms Glossary.  What is the significance of a Musical Terms Glossary? What is a Soprano? What is the difference between a 'f' symbol and a 'p'symbol? What is a Cantata? What is the term Presto used to describe? Find the answer to these questions about symbols and more in our useful glossary! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in music theory. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great musical educational resource - Musical Terms Glossary f


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