Music Accents


Music Accents

Music Accents | Symbol Picture

♪♪♪♪.... Music Accents..Did you know...Percussion music uses anti-accent marks!....Did you know....The word " accent " comes from the Latin word 'accentus'. In music, accents are used to place a particular emphasis on a note and are indicated by accent marks. ....Music Accents ♪♪♪♪♪

A useful guide to Music Accents. Facts, Images and worksheets! An easy way to brush up on musical theory. Information on the symbols and signs used in musical scores and notation.


Music Accents - Definition
The word " accent " comes from the Latin word 'accentus'. In music, accents are used to place a particular emphasis on a note and are indicated by accent marks. A music accent is defined as the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch); "he put the stress on the wrong syllable". The accent is a regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure. It is also defined as 'A special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of the measure. The rhythmical accent, which marks phrases and sections of a period.'

Music Accents - Examples
The image below shows the following examples of music accents:

  • Staccato. The first symbol on the image below is called a Staccato. It indicates that the last part of a note is to be silenced in order to separate it from the following note

  • Staccatissimo. The second symbol is called a staccatissimo and is usually interpreted as shorter than the staccato

  • Marcato. The marcato is shown in the middle of the image. Its vertical open wedge, is intended to be as loud as an accent mark and as short as a staccato

  • Accent Mark. The fourth accent mark shown is called a marcato although sometimes this mark is simply known as an accent mark. It indicates that the marked note should be emphasized at the beginning and then taper off quickly

  • Tenuto. This accent mark which is shown on the far right of the image below, has three distinct meanings. It can indicate that a note or chord is to be played at full length or longer. It also can indicate that a note or chord should be played slightly louder and finally it can mean that a note should be separated with a little space from adjacent notes.

Music Accents | Example Image

Image showing examples of Music Accents

Music Accents - Anti-Accent Marks
 Percussion music uses anti-accent marks

  • The mark 'u' indicates that the notes should be slightly softer than surrounding notes

  • Adding brackets ( ) around the note head indicates the note should be played significantly softer than surrounding notes

  • The addition of square brackets [ ] around the note head indicates that the note should be played much softer than surrounding notes

Music Accents - Quotes
The following quote about the wonders of music from the character Lorenzo, in Shakespeare's play, the Merchant of Venice:

"The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus;
Let no such man be trusted."

Music Accents - Worksheet
Need to test your musical knowledge or looking for a quiz to test your students? Click on the link below and print off and complete a useful worksheet including a quiz on musical terms and notation including accents. The answers have also been provided, just click on the link at the bottom of the quiz for the answers in a printable format.

Music Accents - Facts
Music Accents Facts....Did you know...

Accents Fact 1: The > symbol is the most popular accent mark used in music

Accents Fact 2: An accolade or brace is a symbol ({) used to connect two or more lines of music that are to be played at the same time

Accents Fact 3: A tie is a note relationship used to indicate that two or more notes are to be played as one note. The notes need to be on identical lines or spaces

Accents Fact 4: A slur is used to indicate to the player that two or more notes should be played in one stroke. Slurs can be used to join notes of different pitches and differ from ties which can only be used for identical notes

Accents Fact 5: A short flourish to fill a gap between phrases when playing the drums is called a fill

Accents Fact 6: A Ostinato is a repeated pattern of notes occurring in classical music

Accents Fact 7: Accents are used to place a particular emphasis on a note and are indicated by accent marks

Accents Fact 8: Percussion music uses anti-accent marks

Accents Fact 9: Accent marks can be combined, it is quite normal to see a note with two accent marks!

Accents Fact 10: The key signature is placed at the beginning of the music staff or stave

Accents Fact 11: Music ornaments are defined as decorative notes which embellish a melody

Accents Fact 12:  Pentatonic. Major, Minor, Chromatic and Whole tone are all ascending music scales

Accents Fact 13:  A marcato accent mark is usually simply referred to as an accent mark

Accents Fact 14: A measure is the term given to the portion of the staff found between two bars

Music Accents | Repeat Sign

Accents Fact 15: Repeat signs are used on sections of music that are to be played more than once. If a repeat sign appears on both sides of the bar, the piece of music within the bar should be repeated. If however there is no repeat sign on the left of the bar, the performer should go to the beginning of the music or the next double bar

Music Accents - Bible References
Music was mentioned many times in the bible, the following definition of music is taken from Easton Bible Dictionary.

  • Jubal was the inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The Hebrews were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole history and literature afford abundant evidence of this. After the Deluge, the first mention of music is in the account of Laban's interview with Jacob (Gen. 31:27). After their triumphal passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang their song of deliverance (Ex. 15)

  • The period of Samuel, David, and Solomon was the golden age of Hebrew music, as it was of Hebrew poetry. Music was now for the first time systematically cultivated. It was an essential part of training in the schools of the prophets (1 Sam. 10:5; 19:19-24; 2 Kings 3:15; 1 Chr. 25:6). There now arose also a class of professional singers (2 Sam. 19:35; Eccl. 2:8). The temple, however, was the great school of music. In the conducting of its services large bands of trained singers and players on instruments were constantly employed (2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chr. 15; 16; 23;5; 25:1-6)

Dream Explanation - Music Accents
Hearing harmonious and soothing music in your dream, is a good omen of prosperity, pleasure and the expression of your emotions in a positive way. Music serves to heal the soul. Hearing discordant music in your dream means unhappiness and troubles in the home. 

Sheet Music with examples of Music Accents

Image showing examples of Music Accents

Music Accents - Tattoos
Music Accents images are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for inspiration for a unique tattoo design? Why not choose a musical note or incorporate a selection of musical symbols in your own design? A great way to show your interest in the fascinating world of music. Whether your preferred genre is Rock or Classical, Disco or Country, different music accents symbols are a great choice for a tattoo! Browse through our selection of images and check out the meaning of each one.

 ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪  Music Accents  ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Music Accents

  • Music Accents - Theory

  • Meaning of Music Accents

  • Music Accents - Facts

  • Music Accents - Images

  • Music Accents - Tattoo Designs

Music Accents Picture


Pictures and Videos of Music Accents
Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos which relate to Music Accents and illustrate the different Music Accents that we encounter in everyday life. What is the significance of a Music Accents? What are the different symbols used for music accents? What is the significance of each mark? Find the answer to these questions about symbols and more! Lots of useful information and facts for anyone with an interest in music theory. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great musical educational resource on Music Accents for everyone!


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