Music Notes - Symbols
Music symbols are the marks
and signs used in music notation and include symbols to indicate the
pitch, rhythm and tempo of the composition. Each of the symbols used has
a unique meaning and there are hundreds of different symbols and terms
used. Check out our music terms
glossary which includes many of the important terms used in music
theory. The following image shows a typical music stave including a
treble clef, sharp and flat symbols as well as different music notes.
Music Notes - History
The word note comes from the Latin word 'nota' which means a mark or a
sign and is made up of either one, two or three individual parts known
as the head, stem and hook. The hook is also called the tail or
cross-stroke. Different rules apply to the direction of the stem when
more than one part is included in the musical score.
Music Notes - Terms
The following terms are used
to describe music notes:
Music Notes - Clef Symbols Description
A clef symbol is a placed on the staff to identify the pitch
represented by its lines and spaces. The F clef (or Bass staff) shows us that the fifth
line of the bass staff represents the first A below middle C, the fourth
line the first F below middle C and so on. In the same way, a G clef
better known as a Treble Clef shows us not only that the second line of
the staff represents G, but that the first line represents E, the first
space F, etc.
Music Notes - Treble Clef
The treble clef symbol is instantly recognisable and one
of the most widely used symbols in music notation. It is
however not the easiest symbol to draw! In the days
before computer programs were used to help musicians
with their music notes, the art of drawing a treble clef
was one that took time to perfect! The image on the
right shows a treble clef in the correct position on the
music stave. |
Music Notes - Bass Clef Symbols
The bass clef symbol is shown in the image on the right.
It is also called an F clef because it is believed to have originated
from an old fashion F symbol. The bass clef deals with the lower range
of notes and it marks the fourth line of the musical stave as F. All
other notes fall on the other lines and spaces accordingly.
Music Notes Symbols
- Facts
Music Notes Symbols
Facts....Did you know...
♫ |
Fact 1:
A caesura is a break or pause (usually for sense) in the
middle of a verse line. The word comes from the Latin
word caesura which is a cutting off, a division or stop
and from the French words caedere, caesum meaning to cut
off |
♫ |
Fact 2:
The Treble clef is placed on the second line of the
musical stave |
♫ |
Fact 3:
Addition is defined as a dot at
the right side of a note as an indication that its sound
is to be lengthened one half |
♫ |
Fact 4:
The symbol for a rest is two
parallel lines which are set at an angle, similar to two
forward slashes: // |
♫ |
Fact 5:
A clef is a sign placed on the staff to designate what
pitches are to be represented by its lines and spaces |
♫ |
Fact 6:
A trio is a sonata for three instruments |
♫ |
Fact 7:
A quarter note is is represented by a closed note with a
stem |
♫ |
Fact 8:
A cantata is a vocal composition for chorus and
soloists, the text being either sacred or secular |
♫ |
Fact 9:
A flat lowers the pitch of a note by one
semitone |
♫ |
Fact 10:
Placing a dot to the right of a note head shortens a
notes duration by half |
♫ |
Fact 11:
A whole note is also called a Semibreve |
♫ |
Fact 12: A
measure is the term given to the portion of the staff
found between two bars |
♫ |
Fact 13:
A double bar marks the end of a division or
composition |
♫ |
Fact 14:
The top number in a time signature indicates how many
notes appear in each measure |
♫ |
Fact 15:
The seven letters of the musical alphabet are:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G |
Music Notes Symbols
- Worksheet
Need to test your musical
knowledge or looking for a quiz to test your students? Click on the link
for the Music Theory Worksheet.
Simply print off and complete a useful theory worksheet including a quiz on
musical terms, symbols and notes. The answers have also been provided, just
click on the link at the bottom of the quiz for the answers, also in a
printable format. Do you need a blank stave for your own composition or
perhaps you want to practice writing your own notes? Just click on
the link below to print a free blank music stave worksheet as shown in
the thumbnail image below. Print as many copies as you need, they are free and
printer friendly!
Dream Explanation - Music Notes Symbols
harmonious and soothing music in your dream, is a good omen of
prosperity, pleasure and the expression of your emotions in a positive
way. Music serves to heal the soul. Hearing discordant music in your
dream means unhappiness and troubles in the home.
Example of
Symbols used to create music notes
Music Notes Symbols
- Tattoos
Tattoo images
based on music notes
are a great idea for tattoos. Looking for inspiration for a unique tattoo
design? Why not choose a musical symbol or incorporate a selection of musical
in your own design? A great way to show your interest in the
fascinating world of music. Whether your preferred genre is Rock or
Classical, Disco or Country, music notes
symbols are a great choice for a
tattoo! Browse through our selection of images and check out the
meaning of each one.
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Music Notes Symbols
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