Fact 1: The three Great Lights symbolise the duty of
a mason to to himself, his neighbour and to his God |
Fact 2: The
compass is a
symbol used in the entrance ceremony of the Second
Degree |
Fact 3: The five points of fellowship are: foot to
foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back and
either mouth to ear or cheek to cheek |
Fact 4: The East of the lodge is seen as a place of
light and a symbol of perfection |
Fact 5: The North of the lodge is a place of
darkness and is symbolic of the past |
Fact 6: The cornerstone is laid in the North-East
corner of the lodge and the ceremony is considered an
extremely important event to freemasons |
Fact 7: The trowel is a symbol of the master mason |
Fact 8: A second degree apprentice is given a plumb
line, a square and a level |
Fact 9:
In freemasonry, the color black is a symbol of grief.
The color black always refers to the fate of the
temple-builder |
Fact 10:
The chief architect of the temple of Solomon is often
referred to as "the builder". The term builder is the
most solemn title that a freemason is given |
Fact 11:
Corn is one of the three elements of consecration for
masons. It is a symbol of plenty and often referred to
as the "corn of nourishment" to remind masons of the
nourishment which is received from the giver of all that
is good |
Fact 12:
The corner stone is one of the most important stones in
the temple. Its symbolism refers to an impressive
ceremony in the first degree of Masonry |
Fact 13:
The geometrical figure of the cube which is consists of
six equal sides and six equal angles is an ancient
symbol of truth |
Fact 14:
The abbreviation G.A.O.T.U is used by freemasons as a
symbol of the name of God, it signifies the Grand
Architect of the Universe |
Fact 15:
The theological ladder is the symbolic ladder of the
freemasonry mysteries. It is symbolic if the ladder seen
by Jacob in his vision, and consists, like all
symbolical ladders, of seven rungs which correspond to
four cardinal and three theological virtues |