Masonic Handshake
Fact 1: The Master's grip is given by taking hold of
the other persons hand as if you were going to shake
hands, then place the nails of each of your fingers into
the joint of the other persons wrist where it unites
with the hand |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 2: The five points of masonic fellowship are:
foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to
back and either mouth to ear or cheek to cheek |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 3: The real grip of a fellow craft is described
as follows: "Take each other by the right hand as in
ordinary hand-shaking and press top of your thumb hard
against the second knuckle" |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 4: The pass grip of a master mason is described
as follows: "Take hold of each other's hands as in
ordinary hand shaking and press the top of your thumb
hard against the space between the second and third
knuckles" |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 5: The strong grip of a master mason is
described as follows: "Grasp each other's right hands
very firmly, the spaces between the thumb and first
finger being interlocked and the tops of the fingers
being pressed hard against each other's wrist where it
joins the hand, the fingers of each being somewhat
spread" |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 6: The masons pass-grip is given by pressing
the thumb between the joints of the second and third
fingers where they join the hand |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 7: Often the word 'token' is used to describe
the sign or grip given by masons as brotherly
recognition |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 8: In freemasonry, the hand is a symbol of
human actions. Pure hands are symbolic of pure actions
whilst unclean hands are symbolic of impure actions |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 9: Masonic handshakes are mainly used for
social purposes as a form of recognition |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 10: The symbolic meaning of a masonic handshake
can be described as follows: "This physical act is the
outward sign, or token, of the union of our minds and
hearts." |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 11: The action of shaking hands in freemasonry
is referred to as a 'grip' and not a handshake |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 12: The strong grip of a master mason is also
referred to as a 'Lion's Paw' |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 13: A profane is the name given to a person who
has not been initiated as a Freemason |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 14: Freemasons are often referred to as 'sons
of light' because Lux, or Light, is one of the names of
Speculative Masonry |
Masonic Handshake
Fact 15: Brotherly grips are a masons way of
identifying another mason regardless of language spoken! |