US Symbols | |
A useful guide to the national
of the US.
There are many iconic national emblems in the US including the Statue of
Liberty, Liberty Bell, Mount Rushmore, the Flag of America, US Seal and of
course, the US National Anthem.
US National Symbols
Find out about the
symbols of the US. A great to help
with homework or for brushing up on questions for your next general knowledge
quiz! We have included a selection of questions and answers about specific
US National Symbols as well as useful facts on a selection of important US Symbols, suitable
for all ages, adults and kids!
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US National Symbols - Questions
What symbols are
important to Americans? What are the most patriotic and important
national symbols? Find out a selection of interesting facts about some
of the most important US National Symbols. Find the answers to
these questions and more! (you can find the answers at the bottom of the
page!) Lots of interesting and useful information on
a selection of US National Symbols:
US Symbols - Question One: When
was the Liberty Bell first rung?
US Symbols - Question Two:
What is the national pledge of the US called?
US Symbols - Question Three:
When was the great seal of America first used publically?
US Symbols - Question Four:
How many horizontal stripes can be found on the US flag?
US Symbols - Question Five:
When was the US first officially referred to as the 'United
States of America'?
US Symbols - Question Six:
What is the highest federal court in the US?
US Symbols - Question Seven:
In what US state is Yellowstone national park?
US Symbols - Question Eight:
What is the correct name for the Statue of Liberty?
US Symbols - Question Nine: What
is the national bird symbol of the US?
US Symbols - Question Ten:
What is the translation of the motto 'E pluribus Unum'
which appears on the great seal of the US?
US National Symbols - Liberty Bell
The bell
was rung on July 8, 1776 when the first public
reading of the Declaration of Independence took
Liberty Bell is inscribed with the following bible
passage: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land
unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Lev. 25:10)
The bell
is symbolic of freedom and Independence
The bell
is made of 70% copper, 25% tin and the other 5% is
made up of small amounts of lead, zinc, arsenic,
gold and silver
The bell
weighs 2080 pounds
liberty bell can be found at the Liberty Bell Center
in Independence National Historic Park where it is
an extremely popular tourist attraction
are many stories about how the bell was cracked, the
most popular story is that it cracked while being
rung in honor of George Washington's birthday in
US National Symbols - US Seal
The seal
is attached to certain important documents including
foreign treaties. It is kept in a wooden cabinet on
display to the public in the Exhibit Hall of the
Department of State, Washington, D.C.
The US
seal features many individual US National Symbols and
there are different images on both sides
motto 'E pluribus Unum' meaning 'Out of Many, One'
appears on the front of the seal and symbolises that
America was a single nation made from 13 colonies
The Bald
Eagle is Americas national bird and is pictured with
a shield on its breast containing thirteen red and
white stripes
eagle grasps an olive branch in its left talons and
a bundle of thirteen arrows in its right
olive branch and arrows are symbols for the power of
peace and war.
are also several US National Symbols on the reverse of the state
seal including a Pyramid with thirteen steps and the
year 1776 in Roman numerals engraved at its base
(1776 was the beginning of the American new era)
An eye
(also referred to as the eye of providence) with the
Latin motto Annuit Coeptis above it
A scroll
appears under the pyramid and reads: Novus Ordo
Seclorum which is Latin for New Order of the Ages
(1776 was the beginning of the American new era)
US National Symbols - National Bird
The Bald
Eagle is the national bird of America
became the national emblem of the United States of
America in 1792
The bald
eagle symbol appears on US currency and is a symbol
of power, freedom and strength
scientific name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus
The bald
eagle is the only sea eagle which is endemic to
North America and its range includes North America,
part of Canada and some sightings have occured in
Northern Mexico
The bald
eagle is also featured on the US seal where he is is
depicted with a shield against its breast which
contains thirteen red and white stripes. The
eagle on the state patriotic seal is grasping an olive branch in its left talons and
a bundle of thirteen arrows in its right talons
US National Symbols - Statue of Liberty
The full
name of the Statue of Liberty sculpture is 'Liberty
Enlightening the World'
patriotic sculpture can be found on Liberty Island, New York
Harbour, Manhattan, to the south of Ellis Island
It was
designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and was a
gift from the people of France to America
statue itself is of 'Libertas' who is the Roman
goddess of freedom
holds a torch in one hand and carries a tablet in
the other with the date of the American Declaration
of Independence, July 4 1776 engraved upon it
She has
a broken chain at her feet to symbolise freedom
its dedication on October 28, 1886 the statue has
welcomed immigrants arriving from abroad to begin a
new life in America
statue of Liberty is a recognised all over the world
as a symbol of freedom
US National Symbols - National Anthem
American national anthem is the "Star Spangled
It was
designated the national anthem in 1931 by an Act of
Congress signed by President Herbert Hoover
lyrics to the national anthem come from "Defence of
Fort McHenry" which was a poem written in 1814 by
amateur poet Francis Scott Key
President Woodrow Wilson requested that "The Star
Spangled Banner" was played at military and naval
occasions President Woodrow Wilson as early as 1916,
before it was the official anthem of America
The Navy
began to play "The Star-Spangled Banner" for
official use in 1889
America today, the national anthem is played before
football, baseball, hockey, basketball matches as
well as NASCAR and Motocross races
It is
customary to stand in silence when the national
anthem is played. Military personnel in uniform
stand giving the military salute while other
citizens should hold their hand over their heart
US National Symbols - National Motto
national motto of America since 1956 is "In God we
Trust" after a law was signed by President
Dwight D Eisenhower
The original motto of America was 'E Pluribus Unum'
which is Latin for 'one from many' or 'one from many
motto appears on the reverse of the one dollar bill
motto also appears on US coins and first appeared on
coins in 1864
It has
been used continuously use on the one cent coin
since 1909 and on ten-cent coins since 1916
national motto forms part of the lyrics to the
national anthem, the fourth verse of the 'Star
Spangled Banner' contains the following line "Then
conquer we must, when our cause is just, And this be
our motto: "In God is our trust"
As well
as the national motto, each individual US state has
its own motto
US National Symbols - Mount Rushmore
Rushmore in South Dakota is one of Americas most
US National Symbols
Construction began on the mountain sculpture on
October 4th 1927 by Gutzon Borglum
work began on the monument on October 4, 1927 it was
not completed until October 31, 1941.
actual drilling took six and a half years but there
were many stoppages due to lack of funds when
American was hit with the great depression and the
original sculptor died, the monument was finally
completed by his son Lincoln Borglum
sculpture features George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln
representing the first one hundred and thirty years
of the history of the United States
Mount Rushmore Memorial Sculpture is a huge tourist
attraction in the Black Hills of South Dakota
sculpture is carved in granite and each of the four
presidents head are approximately 60 feet in height
US National Symbols - Answers
Want to test you
knowledge of US National Symbols? Below are the answers to the questions
found at the top of the page!
US Symbols - Question One: When
was the Liberty Bell first rung?
US Symbols - Answer One:
July 8, 1776
US Symbols - Question Two:
What is the national pledge of the US called?
US Symbols - Answer Two:
The Pledge of Allegiance
US Symbols - Question Three:
When was the great seal of America first used publically?
US Symbols - Answer Three:
US Symbols - Question Four:
How many horizontal stripes can be found on the US flag?
US Symbols - Answer Four:
US Symbols - Question Five:
When was the US first officially referred to as the 'United
States of America'?
US Symbols - Answer Five:
On July 4, 1776 in the Declaration of Independence
US National
Symbols - Question Six: What is the highest federal court in
the US?
US National
Symbols - Answer Six: The Supreme Court of the United
US National
Symbols - Question Seven: In what US state is Yellowstone
national park?
US National
Symbols - Answer Seven: Wyoming
US National
Symbols - Question Eight: What is the correct name for the
Statue of Liberty?
US National
Symbols - Answer Eight: Liberty Enlightening the World
US National
Symbols - Question Nine: What is the national bird symbol of
the US?
US National
Symbols - Answer Nine: The Bald Eagle
US National
Symbols - Question Ten: What is the translation of the motto
'E pluribus Unum' which appears on the great seal of the
US National
Symbols - Answer Ten: 'Out of Many, One'
US National Symbols - America
US National Symbols - America
American US National Emblems and Icons
Great Seal,
Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, National Anthem
Iconic US
national memorials
Facts about
national US symbols |
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US National Symbols - America Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to
the US National Symbols and illustrate the different symbols, codes, emblems
and signs that we see in
everyday US life. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource for
everyone! Find out about different individual US National Symbols - America, the
meaning of the symbol and their use today. |