- US States
Each of the
fifty states which make up the United States of America has its own
bird, flower, insect, tree, abbreviation, motto, nickname, song and most
importantly each has its own unique flag! Find out about each of the 50
state flags, we have included a selection of useful facts on each state. Do you know the answers
to the following questions? Read on to find out the answers to these questions and
much more! (The Answers are at the bottom of the page!)
Symbols - US States Flag
US States - Flags
Question One: Which state flag includes the United
Kingdoms Union Jack?
US States - Flags
Question Two: What state flag features eight gold stares
on a blue background?
US States - Flags Question Three:
What state is
known as the Mount Rushmore State?
US States - Flags
Question Four:
Which US state
features two brown bears on its emblem?
US States - Flags
Question Five: What US state flag has an anchor with the
word 'hope' written underneath?
US States - Flags
Question Six:
Which flag features
the motto 'Liberty and Prosperity 1776'?
US States - Flags
Question Seven:
What state flag
features the goddesses 'Liberty' and 'Justice'?
US States - Flags Question Eight:
On which state
flag does the dates 'May 20 1777' & 'April 12 1776' appear?
US States - Flags
Question Nine: Which state flag features a Bison on a
blue background?
US States - Flags
Question Ten: Which is the only state flag to feature a
different image on each side?
US State
Flags - Alabama Flag
capital city of Alabama is Montgomery
Crimson 'St Andrews Cross' was adopted in 1895 and
is the same patter as the confederate battle flag
was the 22nd State to be admitted to the Union in
December 14, 1819
three largest cities in Alabama are Birmingham,
Montgomery and Mobile
US State
Flags - Alaska Flag
is Americas most Northern State
capital city is Juneau
was the 49th state admitted to the union on January
3, 1959
state of Alaska covers 656,425 square miles
three Largest Cities in Alaska - Anchorage, Juneau
and Fairbanks
The word
Alaska comes from the Aleut word "Alyeska," which
means "great land."
US State
Flags - Arizona Flag
capital city of Arizona is Phoenix
was the 48th State to be admitted to the Union and
was admitted on February 14, 1912
state of Arizona covers 114006 square miles
three Largest Cities are Phoenix, Tucson and Mesa
Its flag
features a copper star in the centre to represent
the state as the largest producer of copper in the
are thirteen red and yellow 'rays' on the top
portion of the flag to represent both the setting
sun and the thirteen original US colonies
The blue
on the bottom part of the flag is 'liberty' blue and
is the same shade that appears on the United States
US State
Flags - Arkansas Flag
capital city of Arkansas is Little Rock
was the 25th State to be admitted to the Union on
June 15, 1836
state flag features a large diamond on a red field
to signify the only state in North America where
diamonds have been discovered and mined
are twenty five white stars around the diamond as
Arkansas was the twenty fifth state to be admitted
to the union
three largest Cities in Arkansas are Little Rock,
Fort Smith and Fayetteville
US State
Flags - California Flag
California was admitted to the union on September 9,
1850 and became the 31st US state
capital city of California is Sacramento
The flag
features a large California grizzly bear which is
the state animal and symbolises strength
The red
star symbolises sovereignty and courage
flags white background symbolises purity
The flag
officially became the Californian state flag in 1911
US State
Flags - Colorado Flag
was admitted to the union on August 1, 1876 and
became the 38th US State
capital city of Colorado is Denver
three largest cities in the state are Denver,
Colorado Springs and Aurora
There is
a huge amount of color symbolism in the Colorado
state flag.
The gold
color symbolises the sunshine
symbolizes the snow on the states many mountains,
The red
color represents Colorado's red soil and finally the
blue color is a symbol of Colorado's clear blue
US State
Flags - Connecticut Flag
Connecticut was admitted to the union on January 9,
1788 and became the 5th US State
capital city of Connecticut is Hartford
three largest cities in Connecticut are Bridgeport,
New Haven and Stamford
state seal appears in the center of the flag and
features a three grape vines
the grape vines is the the state motto: "Sustinet
Qui Transtulit" which is Latin for 'He who is
transplanted still sustains'
US State
Flags - Delaware Flag
was the 1st State to be admitted to the Union on
December 7, 1787
capital city of Delaware is Dover
three largest cities in Delaware are Wilmington,
Dover and Newark
state flag of Delaware has many individual symbols.
A Ship which is a symbol of Delaware's ship building
industry. The farmer is symbolic of the importance
of of farming to the state. A sheaf of Wheat and
maize are symbols of the agricultural importance of
Delaware's economy
US State
Flags - Florida Flag
became the 27th State to be admitted to the Union on
March 3, 1845
capital city of Florida is Tallahassee
three largest cities in Florida are Jacksonville,
Miami and Tampa
state flag of Florida was originally simply the
state seal
In 1900
the St Andrews Cross was added to the flag
state seal features the Sabal Palm tree which is the
state tree of Florida
US State
Flags - Georgia Flag
was the 4th State to be admitted to the Union on
January 2, 1788
capital city of Georgia is Atlanta
three largest cities in Georgia are Atlanta, Augusta
and Columbus
adopted a new state flag in 2003
The new
flag has three equal width bands. Two outer red
bands and a white band in the center. There is a
square blue canton which is the width of two bands
in the upper left corner of the flag
US State
Flags - Hawaii Flag
The flag
of Hawaii is the only US state flag to include a
union jack which is the flag of the United Kingdom,
this is due to the period when the state was part of
the British empire
is the youngest of all the US States, commonly known
as the 50th state and was admitted into the union on
August 21, 1959
capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu
three largest cities in Hawaii are Honolulu, Hilo
and Kailua
US State
Flags - Idaho Flag
capital city Idaho is Boise
state flag of Idaho features the state seal on a
blue background
Edwards Green designed the state seal which was
adopted in 1891 Idaho is the only US state to have a
seal which has been designed by a woman
became the 43rd State to be admitted to the Union on
July 3, 1890
are many symbolic items on the state seal including
the state flower and motto
US State
Flags - Illinois Flag
became the 21st State to be admitted to the Union on
December 3, 1818
capital city of Illinois is Springfield
state motto " State Sovereignty, National Union " is
featured on the flag
three largest cities in Illinois are Chicago,
Rockford and Aurora
The flag
features a large bald eagle which is the national
bird of America
The Bald
Eagle holds a shield in its talons with 13 bands and
thirteen stars which symbolise the original thirteen
colonies of America
US State
Flags - Indiana Flag
December 11,1816 Indiana became the 19th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Indiana is Indianapolis
thirteen stars on the outer ring of the Indiana flag
symbolize the original thirteen colonies of America
inner circle has five small stars and one larger one
to represent Indiana as the 19th state
torch is symbolic of liberty and light and the rays
of light symbolise how widespread the light can be
US State
Flags - Iowa Flag
December 28, 1846 Iowa became the 29th State to be
admitted to the Union
state flag has three stripes. The blue stripe
symbolises for loyalty, justice and truth. The white
stripe symbolises purity and the red stripe is
symbolic of courage
A bald
eagle carries streamers in its with the state's
motto: "Our liberties we prize and our rights we
will maintain"
capital city of Iowa is Des Moines
three largest cities in Iowa are Des Moines, Cedar
Rapids and Davenport
US State
Flags - Kansas Flag
January 29, 1861 Kansas became the 34th State to be
admitted to the Union and the state flag was adopted
in 1927
Kansas flag features a sunflower which is the state
sunflower rests on a blue & gold band which
represents the Louisiana Purchase
capital city of Kansas is Topeka
three largest cities in Kansas are Wichita, Overland
Park & Kansas City
are several symbols on the state seal including the
rising sun which symbolises the East.
river and boat are symbolic of the states commerce
importance of agriculture to the state is also
symbolised by the settler, the cabin and plough
A herd
of buffalo is also featured, buffalo was made the
state animal of Kansas in 1955
US State
Flags - Kentucky Flag
On June
1, 1792 Kentucky became the 15th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Kentucky is Frankfort
three largest cities in Kentucky are Louisville,
Lexington & Fayette
state flag of Kentucky was adopted in 1962
The flag
features the state seal on a blue background
of the state flower, Goldenrods appear under the
state seal
The two
figures in the centre of the state seal are a
pioneer and a statesman embracing surrounded by the
state motto "United we stand, divided we fall"
US State
Flags - Louisiana Flag
On April
30, 1812 Louisiana became the 18th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Louisiana is Baton Rouge
three largest cities in Louisiana are New Orleans,
Baton Rouge & Shreveport
Louisiana flag features a white pelican caring for
its three offspring The bird is tearing at its own
breast which is symbolised by three drops of blood
The bird
is symbolic of Christian charity
heraldic charge or emblem used on the state flag of
Louisiana is called a "pelican in her piety"
A white
banner hangs below the bird with the state motto
"Union, Justice, and Confidence" written in blue
letters on a blue background
US State
Flags - Maine Flag
On March
15, 1820 Maine became the 23rd State to be admitted
to the Union
capital city of Maine is Augusta
three largest cities in Maine are Portland, Lewiston
and Bangor
state flag of Maine features the states coat of arms
and was adopted in 1909
The flag
features the north star and the state motto " Dirigo
" which is translated as " I lead "
The two
figures featured on the seal are a farmer and a
sailor. The sailor is symbolic of the states strong
links to the sea and the farmer is symbolic of the
importance of agriculture to Maine
US State
Flags -
On April
28, 1788 Maryland became the 7th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Maryland is Annapolis
three largest cities in Maryland are Baltimore,
Frederick and Gaithersburg
Maryland's state flag was officially adopted in 1904
state flag bears two family coats of arms, the
emblems of the Calvert and Crossland families
Calvert family was the name of the Lord Baltimore
who founded Maryland. Their families coat of arms is
featured in the first and fourth quadrants of the
Crossland family were the mother of George Calvert
who was the first Lord Baltimore. The families coat
of arms are featured in the second and third
US State
Flags - Massachusetts Flag
three largest cities in Massachusetts are Boston,
Worcester and Springfield
capital city of Massachusetts is Boston
February 6, 1788 Massachusetts became the 6th State
to be admitted to the Union
state flag features the state seal with the
state motto on a banner around the coat of arms. The
motto 'Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem' is
translated as 'By the sword we seek Peace, but Peace
only under Liberty'
US States
Flags - Michigan Flag
January 26, 1837 Michigan became the 26th State to
be admitted to the Union
capital city of Michigan is Lansing
three largest cities in Michigan are Detroit, Grand
Rapids and Warren
state flag of Michigan was adopted in 1911
animals featured on the state flag are a Moose, and
Elk and a Bald Eagle
US States
Flags - Minnesota Flag
On May
11, 1858 Minnesota became the 32nd State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Minnesota is Saint Paul
three largest cities in Minnesota are Minneapolis,
Saint Paul and Duluth
first flag of Minnesota was flown in 1893 but the
version of the state flag shown opposite was adopted
in 1957
states flag features 19 stars which symbolise that
Minnesota was the nineteenth state to enter the
union after the original thirteen making it the 32nd
union state
US States
Flags - Mississippi Flag
December 10, 1817 Mississippi became the 20th State
to be admitted to the Union
capital city of Mississippi is Jackson
three largest cities in Mississippi are Jackson,
Gulfport and Biloxi
Mississippi state flag features three horizontal
bands (one blue, one white and one red band)
A square
Union flag canton is featured in the upper left
corner of the flag
are thirteen stars on the flag to symbolise the
original 13 colonies
US States
Flags - Missouri Flag
August 10, 1821 Missouri became the 24th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Missouri is Jefferson City
three largest cities in Missouri are Kansas City,
Saint Louis & Springfield
The two
grizzly bears that are features on the state seal
represent courage and strength
states motto " Salus populi suprema lex esto " which
translates as "The Welfare of the People shall be
the Supreme Law" is featured on the state seal in
the center of the flag
roman numerals 'MDCCCXX' appear at the bottom of the
state seal and refer to the date 1821 when the state
of Missouri became part of the union
US States
Flags - Montana Flag
capital city of Montana is Helena
November 8,1889 Montana became the 41st State to be
admitted to the Union
three largest cities in Montana are Billings,
Missoula & Great Falls
state flag of Montana was adopted in 1904
background of the flag is blue with the state seal
in the center and 'Montana' written above the state
states motto " Oro y plata " which translates as "
Gold and Silver "
is written on a white banner at the bottom of the
US States
Flags - Nebraska
capital city of Nebraska is Lincoln
three largest cities in Nebraska are Omaha, Lincoln
and Bellevue
On March
1, 1867 Nebraska became the 37th State to be
admitted to the Union
Nebraska's state flag features the state seal on a
blue background
The date
that Nebraska was admitted to the Union, March 1
1867 and the words 'Great Seal of The State of
Nebraska' also appear on the flag
state flag of Nebraska was only designated in 1963
US States
Flags - Nevada Flag
October 31, 1864 Nevada became the 36th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of Nevada is Carson City
three largest cities in Nevada are Las Vegas, Reno
and Henderson
background of the flag is Cobalt blue
sprays of sagebrush (Nevada's state flower) are
crossed to make half a wreath with a 5-pointed
silver star in between the sprigs
Over the
top of the wreath is a gold scroll bearing the words
"Battle Born" which refers to the state's entry on
the Union side during the American Civil War
US States
Flags - New Hampshire Flag
On June
21, 1788 New Hampshire became the 9th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of New Hampshire is Concord
three largest cities in New Hampshire are
Manchester, Nashua and Concord
state seal of New Hampshire appears in the center of
the flag on a blue background
states seal is surrounded by Laurel leaves and nine
stars to symbolise that New Hampshire is the ninth
US state
The ship
which appears in the middle of the state seal is the
frigate 'Raleigh'
US States
Flags - New Jersey Flags
The two
women depicted on the New Jersey flag are Liberty
and Ceres
state of New Jersey is nicknamed the 'Garden State'
because of its long agricultural tradition
The coat
of arms on the New Jersey Flag was designed by
Pierre Eugene du Simitiere in 1777
capital city of New Jersey is Trenton
US States
Flags - New Mexico Flags
January 6, 1912 New Mexico became the 47th State to
be admitted to the Union
capital city of New Mexico is Santa Fe
three largest cities in New Mexico are Albuquerque,
Las Cruces & Santa Fe
The red
and yellow colors used on the state flag of New
Mexico are the same colors used in the flag of old
In the
center of the flag the ancient Zia sun symbol is
featured which is symbolic of the unique character
of New Mexico (The Zia Indians of New Mexico
consider the Sun as sacred)
US States
Flags - New York Flag
On July
26, 1788 New York became the 11th State to be
admitted to the Union
capital city of New York is Albany
three largest cities in New York are New York,
Buffalo and Rochester
goddesses, Liberty and Justice hold the shield on
the states seal
At the
bottom of the state seal, the New York motto
'Excelsior' which is Latin for 'Ever Upward' is
featured on a white banner
Liberty's left foot is placed on top of a crown
which is a symbol of obtaining freedom from the
United Kingdom
goddess, Justice is blindfolded. She holds a sword
in one hand and a set of scales in the other hand,
symbolic of impartiality and fairness
American bald eagle (the national bird of America)
spreads its wings above on a globe
US States
Flags - North Carolina Flags
November 21, 1789 North Carolina became the 12th
State to be admitted to the Union
capital city of North Carolina is Raleigh
three largest Cities in North Carolina are
Charlotte, Raleigh and Greensboro
The date
20th May 1775 refers to the Mecklenburg Declaration
of Independence
The date
22nd April 1776 refers to the 'Halifax Resolve'
which was a major landmark document in the states
In 1991
some minor changes were made to the flag, the first
changes in over 100 years
US State
Flags - North Dakota Flags
November 2,1889 North Dakota became the 39th State
to be admitted to the Union
capital city of North Dakota is Bismarck
three largest cities in North Dakota are Fargo,
Bismarck and Grand Forks
state flag of North Dakota was adopted in 1911
features a bald eagle holding an olive branch and a
pile of arrows in its talons
A ribbon
in the eagles beak bears the words 'E Pluribus Unum'
which is Latin for 'out of many, one' meaning one
nation which is made up of many states
There is
a shield on the Eagles breast with thirteen stripes
which symbolise the the original thirteen states of
US State
Flags - Ohio Flags
On March
1, 1803 Ohio became the 17th State to be admitted to
the Union
capital city of Ohio is Columbus
three largest cities in Ohio are Columbus, Cleveland
and Cincinnati
state flag of Ohio is not rectangular unlike other
state flags
are seventeen stars on the flag to symbolise Ohio as
the unions seventeenth state
The red
and white bands on the flag represent the rivers and
roads of Ohio
The blue
triangle symbolises the hills and valleys of Ohio
US State
Flags - Oklahoma Flags
November 16, 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th State to
be admitted to the Union
Each of
the symbols on the state flag has a specific
flags blue background symbolises devotion
shield is symbolic of protection and defence
Olive branch and Peace pipe are symbols of peace
white crosses on the flag are symbolic of stars
capital city of Oklahoma is Oklahoma City
three largest cities in Oklahoma are Oklahoma City,
Tulsa & Norman
US State
Flags - Oregon Flags
is the only US state flag to feature different
images on the front and the back
The year
1859 is featured on the flag, this is the year that
Oregon was admitted to the union, it became the 33rd
capital city of Oregon is Salem
The 33
gold stars on the flag represent that Oregon was the
33rd Union state
The flag
is made up of the two state colors of Oregon: Blue
and Gold
US State
Flags - Pennsylvania Flags
state motto " Virtue, Liberty, and Independence "
appears under the coat of arms in the center of the
state flag
capital city of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg
Pennsylvania admitted to the union on December 12,
1787 and became the 2nd Union State
strength symbols appear on the state flag of
A ship
is featured to represent how products made in the
state were transported all over the world
A red
clay plough is a symbol of the Pennsylvania's rich
natural resources
golden sheaves of wheat represent the fertile soil
and finally an olive branch and cornstalk cross
their limbs beneath to symbolise peace and
US State
Flags - Rhode Island Flags
state motto 'Hope' features on the state flag
capital city of Rhode Island is Providence
A gold
anchor is featured on the center of the flag
surrounded by 13 stars as Rhode Island was the 13th
State to be admitted to the Union (May 29, 1790)
three largest cities in Rhode Island are Providence,
Warwick and Cranston
US State
Flags - South Carolina Flags
states flag of south Carolina features a Sabal
palmetto tree, the state tree of South Carolina
The left
hand corner of the flag has white crescent moon.
Crescents were part of a banner that was carried by
the South Carolina protesters of the Stamp Act in
capital city of South Carolina is Columbia
Carolina was admitted to the Union on May 23, 1788
and became the the 8th Union State
US States
Flags - South Dakota Flags
Dakota is commonly known as the Mount Rushmore state
after its most famous tourist attraction, the
mountain sculpture by Gutzon Borglum
capital city of South Dakota is Pierre
Dakota became the 40th State to be admitted to the
Union on November 2, 1889
three largest cities in South Dakota are Sioux
Falls, Rapid City & Aberdeen
state was named after the Dakota, Sioux tribe.
Dakota being the Sioux word for "friends"
US States
Flags - Tennessee Flags
three stars on the flag represent the three 'grand
divisions' of the state: East, Middle, and West
circle surrounding the stars symbolises how the
east, west and middle are bound together as one and
the white color of the stars symbolises peace
capital city of Tennessee is Pierre
Tennessee was admitted to the union on June 1, 1796
and beacme the Union's 16th State
three largest cities in Tennessee are Memphis,
Nashville and Knoxville
US States
Flags - Texas Flags
Texas is the only state in the US to fly the flags of six different nations:
Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States, and the
United States
The official state flag of Texas, called the Lone Star
Flag, was adopted in 1845 when Texas became the 28th state of the United
States but the 'six national flags of Texas' appear on buildings all
over the state as well as on the reverse of the Texas states seal
capital city of Texas is Austin
US State
Flags - Utah Flags
Utah was
admitted to the union on January 4, 1896 and became
the 45th Union State
states flag also features the date 1847, this
symbolises the date that the Mormons settled in Utah
States motto 'Industry' features on the state flag
Beehive which appears in the middle of the state
flag symbolises endeavour and perseverance and its
nickname is 'The Beehive State'
capital city of Utah is Salt Lake City
US States
Flags - Vermont Flags
states seal features in the center of the Vermont
A large
pine tree (the state tree) is shown in the middle of
the seal
is known as 'The Green Mountain State'
capital city of Vermont is Montpelier
was admitted to the union on March 4, 1791 and was
the the 14th State to be admitted to the Union
The area
of the State of Vermont covers 9615 square miles
US States
Flags - Virginia Flag
The flag
of Virginia features the state seal or emblem and
the words of the state motto " Sic Semper Tyrannis "
which translates as " Thus Always to Tyrants"
capital city of Virginia is Richmond
three largest cities in Virginia are Virginia Beach,
Norfolk and Chesapeake
was the 10th State to be admitted to the Union and
became part of the union on June 25, 1788
US States
Flags - Washington Flags
Washington was admitted to the union on November 11,
1889 and was the 42nd State to be admitted to the
capital city of Washington is Olympia
Washington is the only US state named in honor of a
state flag of Washington is unique as it is the only
state flag which features the image of a person
Washington is the only state flag to have a green
background, the color symbolises its nickname 'The
Evergreen State'
US State
Flags - West Virginia
Virginia was the 35th State to be admitted to the
Union and became part of the union on June 20, 1863
The capital city of West Virginia is Charleston
The flag
features the state motto 'Montani Semper Liberi'
which translates to 'Mountaineers Are Always Free'
largest cities in West Virginia are Charleston,
Huntington and Parkersburg
US States
Flags - Wisconsin Flags
The flag
of Wisconsin features a coat of arms on both sides
shown is the year 1848 which is the date that
Wisconsin was admitted to the Union
state seal which features on the flag features a
beaver which is the state animal of Wisconsin
states motto 'forward' appears on the centre of the
coat of arms
A sailor
and a minor also feature on the state flag to show
the main industries of the state
Wisconsin was admitted to the union on May 29, 1848
and was the 30th State to be admitted to the Union
US States
Flags -
The flag
of Wyoming features a Bison which is the state
shades of Red, White and Blue used in the Wyoming
flag are the same shades as the United States flag
capital city of Wyoming is Cheyenne
was the 44th State to be admitted to the Union and
was admitted on July 10, 1890
famous Yellowstone national park is in the state of
emblem or seal on the flag show two male figures who
represent the states livestock and mining industries
lamps which are shown burning on top of the pillars
are a symbol of the Light of Knowledge
scrolls which are wrapped around the pillars show
the words 'Oil, Mines, Livestock, and Grain' which
are all major industries of the state of Wyoming
Symbols - US State Flag
US States - Flags
Question One: Which state flag includes the United Kingdoms
Union Jack?
US States - Flags
Answer One: Hawaii
US States - Flags
Question Two: What state flag features eight gold stares on
a blue background?
US States - Flags
Answer Two: Alaska
US States - Flags Question Three:
What state is known as the Mount Rushmore State?
US States - Flags
Answer Three: South Dakota
US States - Flags
Question Four: Which US state flag features two brown bears
on its emblem?
US States - Flags
Answer Four: Missouri
US States - Flags
Question Five: What US state flag has an anchor with the
word 'hope' written underneath?
US States - Flags
Answer Five: Rhode Island
US States - Flags
Question Six: Which flag features the motto 'Liberty and
Prosperity 1776'?
US States - Flags
Answer Six: New Jersey
US States - Flags
Question Seven: What state flag features the goddesses
'Liberty' and 'Justice'?
US States - Flags
Answer Seven: New York
US States - Flags Question Eight:
On which state flag does the dates 'May 20 1777' & 'April 12
1776' appear?
US States - Flags
Answer Eight: North Carolina
US States - Flags
Question Nine: Which state flag features a Bison on a blue
US States - Flags
Answer Nine: Wyoming
US States - Flags
Question Ten: Which is the only state flag to feature a
different image on each side?
US States - Flags
Answer Ten: Oregon
US States - Flags