Sikhism Symbols


Sikhism Symbols


Sikhism Symbols Image 
Sikhism Symbols - Sikhism was originally founded in India by Guru Nanak in the 1400's. Its followers are called 'Sikh' which translates to disciple - Sikhism Symbols

A comprehensive guide to symbols of the Sikh faith.

Discover the history and religious beliefs surrounding a selection of Sikhism Symbols. Read about the the symbolism of a wide range of Sikhism Symbols including: Kara
, Sikh Gurus, Khanda Emblem and the 5 K's (Kakars).

There are many religions worshipped all over the world, one of the largest of these is Sikhism. Followers of Sikhism believe that there is one god who created the universe. They believe in equality; everyone is equal despite their religion or whether they are male or female. Sikhs believe that human life is precious, they are a peace loving people and stand for truth and justice. Sikhism Symbols are a vital part of the Sikh faith, they are objects that followers worship and pray to. They are tools for teaching the religion to others and items are often passed down from generation to generation. Sikhism was originally founded in India by Guru Nanak in the 1400's. Its followers are called 'Sikh' which translates to disciple.



Sikhism Symbols - What is a Monotheistic Religion?
Is Sikhism Monotheistic? Yes! Monotheism is derived from the Greek word 'monos' which means "single" and 'theos' which translates to "god" and is the belief in one god. The following list of religions are all examples of monotheistic religions: Bahá'í, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.

Sikhism Symbols - Kara
A Kara is a metal bracelet worn by followers of Sikhism. It is one of the 5 Ks which are physical symbols of the Sikh faith and symbolises the link between the Sikh and the guru. The Kara bracelet is circular and represents the eternal and never ending love of God. The Kara is not made from gold or silver but from steel as it is an ornament and not an item of jewellry.

Sikhism Symbols - 5 K's (Kakars)
Someone who adheres to the Sikh faith and wears all five of the kakaars (listed below) are considered to be a true follower of Sikhism. The symbols are:

  • Kangha - Wooden comb
  • Kachera - Cotton undergarments
  • Kirpan: - A curved dagger
  • Kesh - Uncut hair
  • Kara - Metal bracelet

Sikhism Symbols - Khanda Emblem

The Khanda is the emblem of Sikhism and appears on the letterheads and stationary of Sikh organisations as well as appearing on the official Sikh national flag which is the emblem shown on the right. The background of the Sikh flag is orange and the emblem is blue. The Khanda emblem comprises three specific symbols:

  • In the centre is a double-edged sword called a Khanda

  • A circular Chakkar in the middle which denotes the one God, eternal with no beginning or end

  • Two single-edged swords also called kirpans. The swords are crossed at the bottom and sit on either side of the Khanda and Chakkar. The sword on the left hand side symbolises truth while the sword on the right hand side symbolises the willingness to fight for what is right

Sikhish Symbols - Khanda Emblem

Sikhism Symbols - List of Sikh Gurus
Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak in 1469, since then there have been ten other Sikh gurus with the current or ever lasting guru, Adi Granth also known as Guru Granth Sahib

  • Guru Nanak (1507-1539)

  • Guru Angad (1539-1552)

  • Guru Amar Das (1552-1574)

  • Guru Ram Das (1574-1581)

  • Guru Arjan Dev (1581-1606)

  • Guru Har Gobind (1606-1644)

  • Guru Har Rai (1644-1661)

  • Guru Har Krishan (1661-1664)

  • Guru Tegh Bahadur (1665-1675)

  • Guru Gobind Singh (1675-1708)

  • Adi Granth (1708-current)

Sikhism Symbols - Facts

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 1: Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Dev

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 2: Rosary beads are an important symbol of Sikhism. A set of beads contains 108 individual beads and they are used to help with prayer and meditation

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 3: The word 'Sikh' means disciple or student

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 4: Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth guru and became leader of the Sikhs at the age of just nine years old

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 5: Guru Granth Sahib also known as Adi Granth is the sacred scriptures of the Sikhs

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 6: According to Sikhism, the five thieves are the five major weaknesses of the human personality, they include Kam (lust), Krodh (rage), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment) and Ahankar (ego)

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 7: The three pillars of Sikhism are Naam Japo (chanting meditation), Kirat Karo (self actualization) and Vand Chhako (community living)

  • Sikhism Symbols Fact 8: The Five Virtues are the essential human qualities which one should develop in order to be reunited with God, they are Sat (truth), Daya (compassion), Santokh (contentment), Nimrata (humility), and Pyar (love)

Sikhism Symbols - Definition of Belief
Being religious is defined as the outward act or form by which a person indicates their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and honor are due. Having a religious belief or faith is being in awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life. Religion is a framework of beliefs relating to supernatural or superhuman beings or forces that transcend the everyday material world. Being religious is to have a strong belief, a faith in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality".

Dream Explanation - Sikhism Symbols
Dreaming that you are deeply religious, foretells of a negative turn to your business affairs and a disruption to your life. Dreaming that you are over religious means that your goody goody character will repulsed your lover or mate.

Sikhism Symbols - Spirituality
Discover facts and information about a huge range of spiritual and religious emblems and signs. Read about each individual emblem and its significance to the Sikh faith. What is the significance of the Khanda Emblem in Sikhism? What is the Kara symbol? Find out interesting facts about the sacred scriptures of Sikhism. Discover the answers to these questions and many more, a useful educational resource for everyone.

Sikhism Symbols

Sikhism Symbols

  • Interesting information about Sikhism Symbols

  • Meaning of Sikhism Symbols

  • Origin and History of Sikhism Symbols

  • Facts about Iconic Sikhism Symbols

  • Pictures and Description of Sikhism Symbols

Sikhism Symbols Image


Pictures and Videos of Sikhism Symbols
Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to Sikhism Symbols and illustrate the different Religious emblems, symbols and signs that we see in everyday life. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource for everyone! Find out about different religious symbols and their significance to a variety of religions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhist, Taoism, Sikhism and Confucianism.


Sikhism Symbols -  Sikh - Belief - Gurus - Ten Gurus - Religious - Signs - Symbol - Sign - Symbolism - Tattoos - Meanings - Pictures - Dictionary - Picture - Pics - Image - Images - Definition - Definitions - Symbolizes - Meaning - Faith - Believe - Lifeway - India - Punjab - Wallpapers - Khanda - Coat of Arms - Code of Arms - Gru Gobind - Symbols

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