Indigenous Symbols
- Spirituality
Discover facts and
information about a range of spiritual and religious emblems
and signs. Read about each individual emblem and its significance to
the Indigenous people of Australia.
Indigenous Symbols -
What is the significance of the
Indigenous Symbols -
What is an Aboriginal Dot Painting?
Indigenous Symbols -
What is Dreamtime?
Discover the answers to these questions and
many more, a useful educational resource about symbols for everyone. |
Indigenous Symbols -
The natural order
of existence according to the Australian aborigines is called dreamtime,
also referred to as 'the dreaming'. Many stories are told about
ancestors who were responsible for creating all human and animal life.
The spiritual aspect of dreamtime is expressed in music, art and nature.
'Songlines' were created by the spirit ancestors of Aborigines, it is
believed as they journeyed through the land, they created dreaming
tracks - songlines through their ability to sing the land into life.
Indigenous Symbols - Dot
Dot paintings are unique to Indigenous art and paintings using this
method have been found on rocks, bark and caves. the indigenous people
used colors as symbols. The color yellow was used to represent the sun,
white was used to symbolise the cloud and the sky, red was a symbol of
the sand from the desert and the color brown symbolised the soil. The
indigenous people of Australia did not have a written language, instead
they used art to paint their stories. Many paintings produced using this
method contained a secret message or meaning, known only to the artist.
Indigenous Symbols -
The didgeridoo is
a wind instrument, similar to a trumpet which has been used by the
indigenous people of Australia for over 1500 years. The instrument is
still in production today; many however are bought by tourists to
Australia as a keepsake of their visit. The term 'didgeridoo' is a
western word, the indigenous people of Australia use many different
words to describe this instrument including Yiraka, Bambu, Martba,
Ngaribi, Garnbak and Paampu. Traditionally the didgeridoo is played
during ceremonies, sometimes alone or in a group during a ceremony to
accompany singing and dancing. The unique 'drone' noise made by a
didgeridoo is achieved by the player vibrating his lips against the
wooden mouthpiece of the instrument. The player uses a technique now
known as circular breathing where the player breathes air in through
their nose while breathing out through the mouth at the same time using
their tongue and cheeks!
Indigenous Symbols -
Indigenous Symbols Fact 1: The sun is one of the most important Indigenous symbols and
regarded as female due to its life giving powers. It is a symbol
of hope and new beginning
Indigenous Symbols Fact 2:
Totem animals are a vital part of indigenous life. Different
aboriginal clans have specific relationships with individual
animals, they are not allowed to eat the meat of their specific
animal and each totem animal is a sacred symbol
Indigenous Symbols Fact 3:
The rainbow serpent is found in indigenous art throughout
Australia, it represents life and is thought to protect the
people as well as the land. It is depicted in the form of a
Indigenous Symbols Fact 4:
The famous 'Guardian Gods' Easter Island stone statues are
believed to store the souls of sacred spirits and are symbols of
both religious and political power
Indigenous Symbols Fact 5:
Indigenous symbols also include ceremonial costumes, traditional
medicine practices as well as spiritual traditions
Indigenous Symbols Fact 6:
Aboriginal Indigenous art is based on ancient stories called
Jukurrpa, better known by the western word dreaming
Indigenous Symbols Fact 7:
The oldest form of Indigenous art was painted on bark,
unfortunately most of the ancient bark paintings have decayed
over time
Indigenous Symbols