Catholic Symbols -
There are many religions worshipped all over the world,
one of the the largest
of these is the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic Symbols are a vital part of
the Catholic religion, they are objects that followers of the Catholic
Church worship and pray to. They are
tools for teaching the religion to others and items are often passed
down from generation to generation. Each individual Catholic symbol has
its own deep significance.
Catholic Symbols - What
is a Monotheistic Religion?
Is Catholism Monotheistic? Yes! Monotheism is derived from the Greek
word 'monos' which means "single" and 'theos' which translates to "god"
and is the belief in one god. The following list of religions are all
examples of monotheistic religions: Bahá'í, Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
Catholic Symbols -
The triqueta symbol
represents the trinity. 'Triquetra' means three cornered shape and is a
very popular symbol in Celtic art, more specifically in Insular art
which is found in many beautiful illuminated manuscripts. The trinity
knot is believed to represent God as three separate forms; the father,
the son and the holy spirit. These three forms exist as one, hence the
intertwining form of the knot.
Catholic Symbols - Rosary
The rosary is an extremely
popular traditional Catholic devotion which is in fact a series of
individual catholic prayers repeated in a specific sequence whilst
meditating on a particular mystery. Rosary beads are an extremely
important catholic symbol and they are also referred to as prayer beads.
Prayer beads are used to help pray this comforting catholic devotion.
They allow you to concentrate completely on meditating the mysteries
while you count the series of prayers by moving your fingers from one
bead to another as you recite (pray) the individual prayers.
Catholic Symbols -
The Chi-Rho Christogram is one of the
best known catholic symbols. An example
is pictured on the right
A Christogram is a monogram or
combination of letters that forms an
abbreviation for the name of Jesus
The symbol is formed by superimposing the
first two letters Chi and Rho (ΧΡ) of
the Greek word "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ" which
translates to Christ.
Catholic Symbols - Fish
The fish is one of the
earliest Catholic symbols and has been found
on graves in Roman burial chambers
Fish symbols were used to identify
secret meeting places that Christians
used when being persecuted for their
faith by the Romans.
Early Christian fathers called their
followers 'pisculi' which translates to
In the bible, Jesus refers to the
apostles as 'fishers of men'.
The Greek word for fish is 'Ichthus'
which is an acronym for "Jesus Christ,
God's Son, Savior"
The Fish symbol shown opposite is a
secret symbol used by early Christians
Catholic Symbols -
Different Crosses
The Catholic Cross is
without a doubt one of the most universally recognised symbols in the
world! People from every nation and religion identify the cross as a
symbol of Christianity and the Catholic church. Catholics everywhere wear their cross pendants
or necklaces as outward symbols of their Christian faith.
Crucifix Symbols - Cross with three-dimensional
model of Jesus being crucified, early
versions were called 'Christus Rex' depicting
Christ crowned and robed
Latin Cross Symbols - Also known as the Passion
cross or Plain cross is recognised by its long
Calvary Cross Symbols - This is a Latin
cross mounted on three steps as its base, three
steps are symbolic, the bottom step represents
Charity, the middle step represents Hope and the
top step represents Faith.
Celtic Cross Symbols - Also known as the Iona
Cross has the addition of a circle to represent
eternal life. |
Catholic Symbols -
Definition of Belief
Being religious is defined as
the outward act or form by which a person indicates their recognition of
the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to
whom obedience, service, and honor are due. Having a religious belief or
faith is being in awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether
by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by
the conduct of life. Religion is a
framework of beliefs relating to supernatural or superhuman beings or
forces that transcend the everyday material world. Being religious is to
have a strong belief, a faith in a supernatural power or powers that control
human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality".
Dream Explanation
- Catholic Symbols
Dreaming that
you are deeply religious, foretells of a negative turn to your business
affairs and a disruption to your life. Dreaming that you are over
religious means that your goody goody character will repulsed your lover
or mate.
Catholic Symbols
- Spirituality
Discover facts and
information about a huge range of spiritual and catholic emblems,
symbols and
signs. Read about each individual emblem and its significance to the
Catholic faith. What is the significance of the rosary beads
for a Catholic? What is the secret symbol for Christ? Why is the cross
so symbolic to Catholic followers? Find out
interesting facts about the sacred Bible. Discover the answers to these questions and
many more, a useful educational resource about catholic symbols for everyone.
Catholic Symbols