Color Pink


Color Pink


Color Pink One of the the easiest ways to identify something immediately regardless of language or culture is through color. A baby dressed in pink is an obvious sign that the gender of the infant is female despite the language or country

Color is a vital part of a visual symbol and the Color Pink has deep significance. It is used in symbols all over the world to represent emotions, politics, religion, gender, science, art and mythology.

A comprehensive guide to the Color Pink. Discover facts and information about the Color Pink. Why is the color black used as a symbol of death whereas the color Green represents new life?

What is the meaning of the different shades of the Color Pink?

Color Symbolism

Color Pink - Meaning
The color pink is known as the color of love and romance. It is the traditional color used for St Valentine's day, the patron saint of lovers. Pink is also commonly used for baby girls, dressing a baby girl in pink and a boy in blue is traditional all over the world. An infant dressed in pink is an obvious sign the baby is a girl no matter what country or culture the parents come from. It is thought that pink is a feminine color whereas blue is masculine.

"Amy put a blue ribbon on the boy and a pink on the girl, French fashion, so you can always tell"
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888)

Facts about the Color Pink

  • Symbols Fact 1:  One of the natural colors of the gemstone pearl is pink. The origin of the name Pearl comes from the Latin word "pirum" which means "pear" reflecting the shape of the gem. The other natural colors of pearls are white, black pearls, lilac, cream, grey, and gold. Many other colors are available but they have been dyed

  • Symbols Fact 2:  Homosexual male prisoners in Nazi concentration camps were forced to wear pink triangle badges. The pink triangle was worn upside down to identify this particular group of men

  • Symbols Fact 3:  The color pink was named after the flower 'Dianthus'

  • Symbols Fact 4:  Nowadays, the pink triangle symbol is worn with pride by those involved with gay rights

  • Symbols Fact 5:  The pink pound is a term used to describe the spending from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community

  • Symbols Fact 6:  The pink ribbon is the global symbol for breast cancer awareness

  • Symbols Fact 7:  A "pink slip" is a term used in America. It is a way for employers to inform workers that their employment has been terminated i.e. they have been laid-off or sacked

  • Symbols Fact 8:  In 1893, the Financial Times, a UK business newspaper began to be printed in salmon pink to differentiate it from its closest rival, the Financial News

  • Symbols Fact 9:  The English expression 'in the pink' is used to describe someone in good health

  • Symbols Fact 10:  The Pink House is the official seat of the government of Argentina and the home of the president of Argentina

  • Symbols Fact 11:  On the Thai solar calendar, Tuesday is associated with the color pink. A child born on a Tuesday can adopt pink as their color and anyone can wear pink on a Tuesday

  • Symbols Fact 12:  The color pink symbolises happiness and joy for Roman Catholics. On Gaudete Sunday which is the fourth Sunday of Advent rose pink garments are worn by the clergy

Color Pink - HTML
Color is displayed using a combination of Red, Green and Blue light (RGB). HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language used by web browsers to format web pages. In HTML colors are defined using a system known as hexadecimal notation (HEX). Each color is assigned a HEX value depending on the combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) the user wishes to display. The lowest HEX value that can be assigned to a light sources is 0 (HEX:00). The highest HEX value that can be assigned to a light sources is 255 in (HEX:FF). HEX values are displayed as three pairs of two-digit numbers, starting with a # sign.
For example, the HTML for one of the shades of blue is Hex (#FFC0CB) and RGB(255,192,203). The hex color code #FFC0CB is just one variation of blue; many other shades of blue are possible. In fact the combination of Red, Green, and Blue values from 0 to 255 results in more than 16 million different colors (256 x 256 x 256). Some examples of shades of the Color Pink are shown below:

** Examples of Shades - Color Pink **


** Examples of Shades - Color Pink **

Different Shades of the the Color Pink
The following are some examples of the different shades of the Color Pink:

  • Hot

  • Fuchsia

  • Baby

  • Bright

  • Cerise

  • Coral

  • Salmon

  • Rose

  • Magenta

  • Puce

  • Shocking

  • Ultra

  • Amaranth

  • French Rose

  • Deep

  • Persian

  • Thulian

Color Pink - Symbols
Color has been used in symbols to depict emotions, personality and religion since ancient times and many colors have mystical properties associated with them. One of the the easiest ways to identify something immediately regardless of language or culture is through color. A baby dressed in pink is an obvious sign that the gender of the infant is female despite the language or country. A red road sign warns us of danger even if we might not recognise the symbol instantly. A country or sports team use colors to identify themselves through their flag and its colours. Colors are often mentioned in everyday language as well as literary terms to portray a persons feelings or emotions, being "green with envy" or "in a black mood" are familiar terms to describe jealously and feeling down.

"Signs and Symbols rule the world, not rules and law”
– Confucius (551–479 BC)

Color Pink

Color Pink

  • Facts about the Color Pink

  • Color in Religion

  • Dreaming of the Color Pink

  • Significance of different colors

  • History of the Color Pink

  • Shades of the Color Pink


Color Wheel - Color Pink


Pictures and Videos of Color Pink
Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to Color Pink and illustrate the different examples of color symbolism that we see in everyday life. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Signology Index - a great educational resource for everyone! What is the significance of the Color Pink? What does the Color Pink mean? - find out all you need to know!


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